Sicario de Purón was a presidential escort [Coahuila] – 29/06/2018


Mexico City .- According to information from the Silla Rota portal, Ignacio Arámbula Viveros, one of the alleged murderers of the PRI candidate for Federal MP, Fernando Purón, served as an escort of two Presidents of Mexico.

According to the data of the curriculum Arámbula Viveros contained in the Declaranet Portal of the Public Service Secretariat (SFP), it belonged to the Presidential General Staff assigned to the security of Ernesto Zedillo (1995-2000 ) and Vicente Fox (2000 -2006)

Arámbula Viveros also worked at the Ministry of the Interior in the field of safety in the direction of materials. He has over 30 years of training in the Mexican military, so he has a thorough knowledge of military strategies.

The General Staff Presidential General is a military body "whose fundamental mission is to protect the President of the Republic.This responsibility is of the utmost importance for the country, since it involves the protection of the representation of the Mexican state and the Republic, hence the stability of governability and national security. "

He took care of Zedillo and Fox [19659002] The brothers Erik and Ignacio Arámbula Viveros were identified by the Attorney General of Coahuila as the alleged perpetrators of the assassination of the candidate and for information, there is a reward of 10 million pesos.

After the end of the baccalaureate, Ignacio Arámbula Viveros entered in 1985 as a cavalry officer and then studied law at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, and until 2009. he had only studied 25 subjects

. from 2006 he worked at the Presidential General Staff, where his main function was the "personal security of the President of the Republic."

General Roberto Miranda Sánchez was the leader of the PEM in the government of Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, and General José Armando Tamayo Casillas in the presidential term of President Vicente Fox Quesada.

In the patrimonial declaration of 2003, Ignacio Arámbula Viveros indicated the annual income for 632 thousand 583 pesos, a house of 66 m2 of construction acquired thanks to a mortgage of 175 thousand pesos, two cars, as well as jewels ( chains, centenarians, rings, bracelets and watches).

He left the EMP and was sent to the 21st Motorized Cavalry Regiment. After 21 years of service, he left the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and declared an annual income of 920 thousand pesos a month and the inheritance of a house.


Then he hired Zimag Company in 2007 as "National Security Officer": On April 1, 2008, Ignacio Arámbula Viveros was appointed Regional Director for the Directorate General of Material Resources and Services of the Ministry of the Interior, with Juan Camilo Mouriño

The functions of Ignacio Arámbula Viveros were "security corps" and he remained in office until the end of the year. April 15, 2009.

He was later director of municipal public security in Tenosique (Tabasco) in 2010, in the first year of Mayor Raúl Gustavo Gutiérrez Cortés. This is the last record of public work of this former fugitive soldier.

In Tabasco and Coahuila – the last one, where Ignacio Arámbula Viveros was last seen – the Zetas cartel is present. he attributes the murder of the candidate Fernando Purón Johnston.

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