Silvia Pinal is not interested in seeing Luis Miguel's bioseries


Luis Miguel "I love him" because he is the father of Michelle

CITY OF MEXICO (Notimex) .- Silvia Pinal, who received a tribute from the musical "The Cage de las locas ", revealed the details of when she met with Luis Miguel, father of her great-granddaughter Michelle Salas

" C was in a restaurant. "I passed and he said," I have known you for a long time, "and I replied," I will do it too, "said the actress laughingly, without specifying the exact date of the meeting.

Silvia Pinal and singer must not a conversation: "No need. I love him because he is Michelle's father. I do not care about the rest. "

In a conversation with the press, when asked if it is true that Michelle is away from" El Sol ", she responds that she does not know what this relationship looks like

"Michelle arrives, triumphs and he leaves," he said and then said that he had it in front of him "I would say you're nice, nice! "

About the picture that concerned his granddaughter Stephanie Salas in" Luis Miguel. the series, "said Silvia Pinal:" I do not know and that does not interest me. I've been told two or three things, but I do not intend to see it, really. "

Stephanie does not talk about it either, they do not agree

" They treated it well, they do not have to "

It He even remembered that "El Doc", Luis Miguel's friend, went to Michelle Salas's house to take her with him and returned it to him.

"She was very small. I do not know (if I did not want to recognize it) and I'm not interested. These things do not ask me because it's something that can hurt my people and I love my people and I will defend them … "

In Peace Tribute

Silvia Pinal was the guest of honor of the closing season of the musical "The Cage of Las Locas."


The actress received an award for her career in the cinema, theater and television, which she thanked excited and smiling.

Without resentments

The creation of two bioseries on her family does not take away the actress's dream: "it is not There is no resentment "

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