Sinking with migrants who have left the beaches of Libya


A hundred people disappeared into the waters of the central Mediterranean when the inflatable boat sank with which they attempted to travel to Europe from the beaches of Libya, reported the local Coast Guard. It occurred last night about 25 nautical miles from the city of Qarabuli, where the boat started, apparently due to a fire that broke out after a motor failure.

"In the boat they sail 120 people The majority of Sub-Saharan nationality, but also Moroccans and Yemenis.To date, the bodies of three babies have been recovered."

"16 other people were rescued alive.All are young men who were transferred to a detention center in the region of Al Hamdiya ", about 25 kilometers east of Tripoli, where they are treated for various injuries , he explained

. The precarious boat sailed two more babies and three children under the age of 12, with the exception of a dozen women, the source said, citing the survivors' story.

The beaches that extend between Tripoli and the border with Tunisia have become in the last two years the main stronghold of the mafias who trade with human beings, despite the presence of European patrol boats.

According to data from the International Organization for Migration, more than 171,635 irregular immigrants managed to cross Europe in 2017, while 3 thousand 116 disappeared into the sea.

The same organization, linked to the UN, says that throughout the year, 16 thousand 394 other people have obtained Uzar alone for the so-called "central highway", which leaves from Libya, and 635 stands are drowned

This week, Libyan patrol boats intercepted around 1,200 migrants off the west coast of the country.

] Read also: 230 immigrants disembark in Malta from the ship 'Lifeline & # 39;

With the information of EFE


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