Six in ten Internet users in Mexico do not use security measures


  In Mexico, six in ten Internet users do not use security measures

. Photo: Cuartoscuro


The First Survey of Users of Telecommunications Services 2018, reveals that six out of 10 users from internet Fixed or mobile does not take any security measures to navigate.

In presenting the results of this survey, the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (Ifetel) reported that users who take security measures only visit sites The known websites, which they trust, do not Do not open strange emails, use different passwords on different sites and modify them frequently, in addition to installing antivirus software.

He points out that eight Internet users fixed on 10 the device, and seven out of ten mobile phone users with access to the Internet, indicated that they felt very safe when They were surfing the Internet.

Thus, 42.7% of the users Fixed Internet takes a bit of security while surfing the Internet and the proportion decreases when it comes to the mobile phone service where 33, 8% decide to take precautions.

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Regarding their safety when browsing the Internet through the mobile networks compared with last year 37.8% said they feel more secure in 2018, while 15.2% said they were just as reliable and 28.6% said that They were more precarious.

In the case of the fixed Internet, 43.9% said the two in 2017 in 2018, they felt that it was just as safe to surf the Web, while 24.7 % felt it was more risky and 16.3% that it was more reliable.

The first telecommunication user survey was conducted from February 19 to March 6 this year and also presents results on consumer habits, satisfaction levels and the experience of telecommunications users.

In this sense, Ifetel reported that the fixed Internet (16 Percentage of Pay TV (20.4%) are telecommunications services to which disabled users have better access.

While 3.9% of all landline users have some type of main activities they perform on the Internet from their cell phones are: Use of social networks, text messages, watch videos and make calls or video calls; this last activity has increased by 18% compared to the latest survey conducted in 2017.

L & # 39; survey also measures the general index of satisfaction in the services, which allows to know the perception of the quality with which users receive their services, the experience in the use of these (complaints ), identify they believe that the price they pay for the services is in line with their expectations of quality (value for money) and the loyalty that the user can generate towards his supplier. services. 19659005] The paper reveals that fixed telephony users report a satisfaction score of 74.6 on a scale of 0 to 100, while in the case of mobile phone service, the score is 72.6; for pay television, it is 71.7; and for fixed Internet is 70, to name a few.


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