Sleeping little increases the risk of breast cancer, says specialist | The USA newspaper


Mexico (Notimex) .- Work, home care, child care and new lifestyles mean most women sleep in less than eight hours, reducing the time needed for the body to repair its various functions.

An agitated sleep affects the immune system and promotes the onset of diseases, including breast cancer, said Reyes Haro Valencia, director of the Mexican Institute of Integral Sleep Medicine (IMMIS).

In this breast cancer awareness month, she said that on average, women of childbearing and adult age sleep about six hours, less than the time needed for their body.

He explained that there are four stages of sleep (two light and two deep). In the third stage, a physical restoration takes place and sleep slightly reduces this function of the body, causing inflammation of the cells and chronic diseases.

The third and fourth phases of sleep correspond to the stage of restoration, during which the immune system is strengthened, the brain is restored and emotional balance is achieved.

"The imbalance of the circadian cycle, which corresponds to the repair time of our cells during sleep, affects the immune system responsible for the destruction of malignant cells, including cancer cells, so, if the cycle is not complete , malignant cells develop freely, "he said.

Haro Valencia recommended sleeping well so that women are healthier and avoid the consequences on sleep deprivation, which can lead to behavioral problems, fatigue, personality problems, irritability, fatigue, Anxiety, depression, problems with attention and memory.

A good sleep is as important as a proper and balanced diet, he said.

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