SLP Infonavit accumulates a debt of 76 million pesos


The capital of San Luis Potosí presents a debt accumulated before the National Fund Institute for Workers' Housing (Infonavit) for 76 million pesos, said Xavier Nava Palacios, mayor of the city.

He explained that this debt had been accumulated with the three previous administrations, because despite the payroll deductions paid to 76 police officers, these amounts were not included in the payment corresponding to Infonavit.

Faced with this situation, the current government of the municipality and housing institute signed an agreement to reduce this debt to 45%, which corresponds to 60 million pesos. The situation facing the affected police. who were about to lose their home.

In addition, the state capital entered the Debt Control Products Program, under which fines and surcharges could be granted to beneficiaries affected by this practice.

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