Social Encounter will search for "vote by vote" counting to keep his record


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The Party of Social Encounters (PSE) will request from the National Electoral Institute (INE) the count "vote by vote" and "square by square" of 39 000 electoral packages Nationally, he assured that his party was stripped of his votes and given to Morena.

After a meeting that the president of the Party of Social Encounters (PES), Hugo Eric Flores, had with the virtual elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, he assured that both are already working to avoid the loss of the PES register, given the low percentages of votes that the Social Meeting in the Preliminary Program of Electoral Results (PREP) has received.

Eric Flores assured that the PES is in "crisis" because the Mexicans will not vote for it, but because the INE won the vote. Even accused only in states like Baja California, Chiapas and Mexico, among others, the PREP voted zero.

In total, he said, represented 39,000 boxes with zero votes, which is not true.

"The votes are badly counted, there are votes that were made for the three parties and there they received zero votes, all went to Morena and we manifested them", repudiated

The party chairman with whom the Morena coalition and the Labor Party have also commented that with the opening of the packages they hope to gradually recover the votes that were not supposedly yesterday after that INE opened 6,000,900 electoral packages, an equal number of polling stations, the party won 200,000 votes

Hugo Eric Flores warned that everything depends on the electoral body deciding to open the 39,000 electoral packages and not just the 6,000.

"We get the votes back We believe we will not lose the record We want all boxes to be open because we are convinced that there is a lot more than 3% of votes for our party. are in the polls, the problem is that the INE is encouraged to open the electoral packages, "he said.

He also did not rule out going to the Electoral Court of the Federal Judiciary to count the votes of 39,000 boxes and thus avoid registration.

"No exit poll, no, gave us less than 3% of the vote, the votes are there, but they are not well taken into account."

However, he stressed not to blame Morena and emphasizing that López Obrador is interested in the party not losing the record, "because we are a party in coalition with him."

According to a copy of the Zero Squares Report of the PREP of PES, to which he had access Apro in at least seven states the registered squares PREP without any suffrage for the party, even that then in the opening of the packets they gave him votes

For example, in the base box of Article 382, ​​of Pichucalco District of Chiapas they were counted, 41 votes for the party.

The initially reported states with zero votes were: Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua and Mexico City

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