Sofoplus places its debt on BIVA to diversify its financing


The Sofoplus financial institution decided to diversify its sources and went to the new Institutional Exchange (BIVA), make a debt problem for 100 million pesos.

This one Multipurpose Financial Company (Sofom) is the second station listed in BIVA, which directs María Arizabut I've already participated in the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), where he placed 800 million pesos.

"This is not a new program, a new investment, we are already on the market since 2015. We choose BIVA today and not a new product." a new channel for funding, diversifying our lines of financing. "Said Harry Sacal, CEO of Sofoplus.

At a press conference, he added that they had also made contact with BIVA "because we see a technological platform that represents the future we see in our customers and our suppliers We still love diversification.

After the symbolic ring, the manager said that sofom serves more than 1500 companies, with a credit portfolio of the order of 1,100 million pesosand for its customers, it is important to know with certainty that Sofoplus has the necessary resources to meet their needs.

He added that after a year of great uncertainty in the country and in the world, the country will end the year 2018 with growth higher than its expectations.

"We close with a 10% growth in 2018we managed to exceed expectations that we believed in the context of a moment in the country with a little uncertainty, "he added.

He is convinced that 2019 will be a year of opportunity ", we feel that the country is today more united, it is stronger because with all the adversities that existed, we got together and we realized that the country is stable and said that they wanted to bet the country and that is why we are seeking funding ".

In addition to the debt issue, Sofoplus obtained a capital of 250 million pesos from a US fund Creation of investment capital.

Sofoplus serves businesses of all sizes and will contribute to the tourism, food and beverage, automotive and pharmacy sectors.

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