Solar halo surprises the capitals of CDMX


Mexico.- The inhabitants of the capital who spend a minute contemplating the sky are surprised by the presence of a multicolored halo that surrounds the Sun, which they have captured on photographs that have been photographed. they took with their cell phones and that they already share in the

This phenomenon, which consists of a bright circle around the Sun, is caused by the formation of suspended ice particles in the upper part of the troposphere

. The Internet portal, when sunlight hits these ice particles and refracts light, a rainbow-like color spectrum around the Sun is generated.

This halo around the so-called star is linked to cirrostratus clouds and is common in countries such as Russia, Antarctica or northern Scandinavia. However, it can occur in places where there is a high contrast between surface temperatures and altitude.

It should be noted that halos usually occur in winter, when the moisture is combined with polar waves, but this time it happened in summer

Information Notimex.

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