Some Samsung phones send photos to contacts in random form


The problem comes from Samsung Messages, the Galaxy default messaging application that mistakenly sends stored images

Send images to other people is one of the basic functions of a " smartphone ", but when the phone's email application begins to send random photos without your knowledge, there is a problem.

According to some complaints in Reddit and the official Samsung forums this is what happens to Samsung phone users, among them the owners of recent devices like ] Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy S9 .

According to these users, the problem comes from Samsung Messages the Galaxy default messaging application which, for reasons that have not been determined, it mistakenly sends images stored on the device to random contacts via SMS.

A Reddit user even states that, instead of sending a photo, Samsung Messages sent his complete photo gallery [1 9459007] to a contact in the middle of the night

Fortunately for this nobody (or maybe not), these pictures were sent to his partner. But for others who sent photos to more sensitive recipients, such as a business partner or boss the mistake might offer these people a shot at. unwanted eye in their privacy.

The seriousness of this decision is that when Samsung Messages sends the photos to other people, it leaves no evidence of what they did, which means that users may not not know that their photos were sent before

For now, the predominant theory of what is causing this error is a strange interaction between Samsung's messages and recent updates to the RCS profile that were implemented by operators such as T-Mobile ]

The purpose of RCS ( Rich Communication Services ) is to improve the SMS protocol obsolete with new features such as better sharing of multimedia files, showing indicators that the person writes and sends acknowledgments. The problem now is that the way Samsung Messages handles RCS seems to work badly.

The digital newspaper Gizmodo contacted Samsung, which sent this statement: "We are aware of the information on this subject and our technical teams.They are investigating.Interested customers can contact us directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG . "

The media also contacted T-Mobile, who responded by referring users to Samsung:" This is not a T-Mobile number . "

Meanwhile, for the concerned Samsung owners that their phone can send sensitive photos to random contacts there are two solutions.

is to go to the Samsung Messages configuration and revoke the possibility for the application to access the storage memory.

Until a real solution is published, this will prevent Messages from sending photos or anything else stored on your device that you like or not.

The other option is to switch to a different messaging application, like Android Messages or Textra, which does not seem to be affected by everything that's going on with Samsung Messages (for the # 39; far).

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