"Son of a bitch"; The so-called Starbucks message provokes controversy


June 28, 2018

A so-called Facebook account of Starbucks Monterrey calls "the sons of the bitch Chaira" fans of AMLO.

PHOTO: Facebook Starbucks Monterrey

A few days ago, thanks to Facebook account 'Starbucks Monterrey', supposedly the coffee maker will have launched a 50% discount promotion on any drink, at customers who show the mark of their finger after voting, although he warned that "if you vote for AMLO we recommend you do not come son of bitch Chaira". 19659006] "Enjoy our promotions on Day 1, show your finger with this brand and get 50% off any drink (if you vote for me, we recommend you do not come bitch Chaira)" (sic), says l & # 39; ads.

Faced with the "restriction", a Facebook user commented that it would be impossible to identify those who vote for López Obrador, to whom the coffee maker responded [19659006] "We know how to identify a president easily, they look at the prices first and they are usually tight." [19659009] After the publication became viral, Starbucks Mexico issued a statement without considering the so-called promotion, because she ensured that it was broadcast by a fake account.

"At Starbucks we promote an environment of respect to ensure a comfortable place where everyone feels welcome, and for this reason, it is important to note that we are in no way bound to recent publications made in Canada. other accounts, which show ads related to the vote on behalf of Starbucks ", inform.

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