Sonoran Congress will seek to veto state governance


HERMOSILLO.- The Congress of Sonora sparked a series of constitutional reform initiatives which envisage granting total, partial and budgetary veto rights to the Executive Branch over decisions of the Legislative Power, just the day before the relay. the legislature, which will be controlled by an absolute majority of Morena.

The above has been rejected by the party's state leadership and its allies in the PT and PES who consider that they confer meta-constitutional powers on the governor, Claudia Pavlovich . However, as they do not have a single legislator in the state convention, they can only oppose it verbally.

Jacobo Mendoza Morena's chief of state, asks the Congress to refrain from making constitutional changes and to allow the ordinary session to begin with the integration of the 62nd Parliament from 1 September.
However, Gilberto Gutierrez Sánchez PRI's chief of state, stated that current deputies have the constitutional right and mandate to fulfill their function of legislating, and have therefore requested that the Opposition allows MPs to do their job and in any case, they do it when they take office.

Among the proposals for discussion is the impossibility of making successive changes, since the executive power may veto totally or partially any initiative considered contrary to the Political Constitution of the State .

This is not the only measure being debated and scheduled for approval in a special session to be held this Wednesday, July 18 (during the government vacancy period), since the Sonora government will influence the appointment of the Executive staff of the same State Congress, reserve the creation or removal of dependencies, as well as the protection of appointments of officials who plan to remain in their position for longer periods than their term of office – where 39; current Attorney General of the State and members of the civic organization of the state anti-corruption system.

It is also contemplated to reaffirm budgetary freedom so that the governor retains the power to authorize the transfer, resignation and expansion of resources, so that power is elevated to constitutional rank.

According to the initiative to which El Financiero had access, with the proposed changes to the political constitution of the state, the governor would be granted the right to make constitutional disputes in order to avoid the Invasion of power or to prevent transgressions to the state constitution, as well as disposing of unconstitutional actions in order to stop an initiative that could be in violation of the Constitution.

It also includes a clause of prior checking of constitutionality, which aims to generate certainty in the allocation and removal of positions in the state Congress to ensure the specialization and professionalism of public servants legislative power.

The initiative also proposes to eliminate the jurisdiction, to control the appointment of the Commissioner of the Institute of Transparency and other public bodies considered independent of the executive power.

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