Spain: PP has a new president


Madrid.- Pablo Casado was elected yesterday president of the Spanish Popular Party (PP) with the support of 57% of the electoral representatives who participate in the extraordinary congress of this political party.

The new leader of the Spanish right, 37 years old and who represents the most conservative wing of the training, lacks experience of the government, was responsible for the party's communication since 2015 and, previously, a collaborator of the former President of the Government José María Aznar. Deputy of the city of Palencia, in the region of Castilla y León, joined the PP in 2003, through which he called for a return to conservative traditional values ​​of "life and family" and opposed to the # 39; abortion.

Casado defeated the other candidate, former vice president of the government Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría. According to the official result of the poll, he obtained a thousand 701 votes against one thousand two hundred of his opponent.

The new leader of the Spanish center-right succeeds Mariano Rajoy, who decided to leave the presidency of the PP and politics after being expelled government on 1 June, when he lost a parliamentary motion of censure by the Socialist Pedro Sanchez.

Married will have to maintain the party, renew and regenerate it to win the next general election – scheduled for 2020 -, get out of the opposition and return to the rule of Spain. Before that, it will be necessary to face the 2019 regional and municipal elections, which will be used to check if the new leadership of the PP raises the electoral course of the party, which has lost three million votes in recent years.

After being proclaimed President, Married He was attached to the integration of the party, to the unity of Spain and to the "true political regeneration". He also said that he wanted to strengthen the penal code to avoid further secessionist attempts in Spain.

Similarly, the list of names proposed by Casado to elect the members of the National Board of Directors, with a thousand 689 votes, was the winner. 251 obtained by the candidature of Santamaría

The Spanish president, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, wished Casado "an encouragement in the task that awaits", while indicating that the government "will continue to work for the growth economic, dignified employment, conquest of new rights and freedoms and reconstruction of the welfare state. "

Rajoy, chairman of the PP since 2004, has not opted for a candidate, true to the Commitment to remain neutral in the process. ] [ad_2]
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