Spanish research on the time we dine and breast and prostate cancer | Health


Una Research conducted in the city of Barcelona by the Institute of salud Global analyzed the influence that exists between the moment a person dines and the moment where she is later going to bed The results are conclusive.

According to one study, when someone dines an hour earlier or leaves an interval of at least two hours before going to bed, he is associated in both cases with a greater risk. low breast and prostate cancer, as demonstrated by the Institute of Global Health of Barcelona

As explained in research published in the journal specializing in health, "International Journal of Cancer", the people who eat their Dinner before 9:00 pm or wait 2 hours before going to sleep have about 20% less risk of these cancers than those who do the evening meal after 10:00 pm or people who go to bed immediately after dinner.

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The purpose of this study was to determine whether meal and dream schedules could be related to the risk of developing breast cancer and the prostate. the most common cancers in the world and most related to night work and circadian disruption or alteration of the body clock.

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