Spanish ship rescues 60 migrants near Libya


  Spanish ship rescues 60 migrants near Libya

Italy and Malta have ruled out the authorization to land passengers on their territory.


A Spanish rescue ship rescued 60 migrants in the sea near Libya on Saturday, and Interior Minister of Italy immediately declared that will not allow docking in its ports .

The ship operated by the group Spanish Humanitarian Proactive Open Arms stated that saved the migrants – including five women , a boy of nine years and three teenagers – after seeing an inflatable boat patched with adhesive tape floating in the sea.

All migrants appeared to be in healthy.

The Minister of the Interior The Italian Matteo Salvini tweeted:

They forget to arrive in an Italian port. "

He said you should go to Malta, the nearest port, but Malta immediately rejected the idea by asserting his Interior Minister, Michael Farrugia, as the small Italian island from Lampedusa, south of Sicily, was closer.

Farrugia replied to Salvini with the tweet:

He stops He wrote and attached a map indicating that the rescue occurred in the search and rescue area of ​​Libya and in the waters between Libya and Lampedusa.

Salvini stated that private rescue vessels can no longer bring migrants to the Italian coasts.

In recent years, are those ships that have transported to Italy the hundreds of thousands of migrants who were rescued from smugglers' ships

.On Twitter, Open Arms had picked up the migrants before a Libyan motor boat could step in. [19659005] The reporter from AP to bo rd from a neighboring complementary ship when the launch was seen, said or that a Libyan coast guard vessel approached during the rescue, but fired and ordered the ship to return in Spain.

Saturday's operation is the most recent to highlight the political tensions in the European Union on which countries will have to bear the burden of people arriving in search of asylum.


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