Special boxes fail despite the recommendation


Mexico City – The insufficiency of special polling stations sparked dissatisfaction and protests from voters this Sunday in this capital and in other cities of the country, although that the electoral authorities have already received recommendations to increase their number.

In this city, citizens claimed outside the special box located next to the facilities of the National Institute ( INE ) with the slogan that they want to issue their vote and there are more banknotes .

Protesters blocked Periferico's traffic for a few minutes, but in the end they left an open road for them to pass.

We want to vote! We want to vote

The plaintiffs have a canvas in which they show the meaning of their votes : more than 60 by Andrés Manuel López Obrador eight for Jaime Rodríguez two by Ricardo Anaya and none for J dared Antonio Meade .

"There are people here who want to vote and not to leave ] vote how is that possible?" Said a citizen of the United States. Esperanza, who claimed to be from Durango

Following the 2012 presidential election, the Organization of American States (OAS) recommended to Mexico to increase the number special cells to guarantee the right to vote citizens in transit.

From the very first hours, claims proliferated outside the cells specials installed in hospitals Such as those located in other points, such as the November 20 ISSSTE Hospital, it was reported around 9:00 that the tickets were in the Colonia Doctores and Tlalpan. they had exhausted and the citizens were invited to go to another box

Also at the Mexico City International Airport, protesters protested after being informed that the ballots had been completed in 19459004 special box center where large ranks were registered from the beginning

In the city of Oaxaca, the inhabitants blocked the Madero road, at the height of the Family Medicine Unit number 8, where one was installed Special Box in which ballot papers were completed


In carrying cards, the protesters ask that we give them the material to vote

We want to vote, we want to vote, we want to vote! "and" We want more newsletters, we want more newsletters!

For the protest, elements of the municipal police have diverted traffic

"We want more bulletins for special cases ", reads in

Rosalba Ortiz López, Section 22 teacher, asked the president of the Electoral Institute of State and Citizen Participation (IEEPCO) other options to go vote

. It is shameful, it is painful that this government does not want us to vote What are you afraid of? They must give the service, they are supposed to know that there is a demand.

The teacher estimated that the 700 ballots were not sufficient for the application.

The protester, along with 30 other citizens, plans to block the road that the electoral authorities guarantee that they will be able to vote

  Local authorities report failures to detach ballots
Photo Reform

Also in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, roadblocks of protesters were reported because they had not voted in special boxes

Some protesters blocked the Avenida Colón because the special box located outside the bus station was finished. bulletins

In the report of the last presidential election in Mexico, the OAS Mission for Foreign Visitors pointed out that special boxes are an interesting mechanism of the Mexican system to facilitate the voting of people in transit or distant

This Sunday, before polling day, there were long lines that filled the special boxes, which have about 750 tickets, in Mexico City and Monterrey, Nuevo León. 19659002] "This initiative ends up being spoiled by the shortage of notes, no more than 750 per ticket, and the extreme slowness of attention to the readers, which caused a great deal of discomfort in the citizens " exposes the document of the Mission on this occasion.

In Guanajuato, among the incidents that have been presented, it can be seen that in a special box installed in the León Poliforum the 750 bulletins were completed

The citizens who were queuing were irritated and protested by demanding a new package electoral.

When they did not find their requests, they decided to block a path of the Adolfo López Mateos Boluevard, but the roadside agents expelled them peacefully.

According to the Electoral Institute of Guanajuato State, up to 74 hours, the entity had installed 74.43% of the 7,468 boxes.

According to the information provided by Isabella González, Jorge Escalante, Arcelia Maya and Héctor Gutiérrez

In this note:

  • Elections 2018
  • Mexico
  • Special Cells
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