Spectacle dedicated to the victims – El Diario de Yucatán


Niall Horan settles his debt with Mexican fans

MEXICO CITY (El Universal) .- It has been nearly nine months since Mexico was struck by an earthquake that shook its bowels and its citizens. For many city dwellers, this unfortunate event is a thing of the past, but for the musician Niall Horan is more alive than ever and so, last night during his presentation at the Pepsi Center, he did not hesitate to dedicate the presentation to the victims.

Horan It would be presented in the city the last week of September of last year, date that was canceled due to what happened in the earthquake. This was very conscious during his presentation, which attracted eight thousand fans, many of whom have since realized his time with the group One Direction.

The reason for the young Brit's visit was the tour of his first solo album "Flicker". This caused that during the evening songs of this material like "On The Loose", "The Tide" and "This Town", the first single of this work, were heard.

"Hello Mexico, good evening, how are you? I welcome you to my show, it's the first of two concerts we will give here and I hope you enjoy it tonight. we'll have a good time and we'll all enjoy it, "he told his fans. He lent for the singer to play some covers, like "Dancing In The Dark" by Bruce Springsteen. He also played some classics from the group that saw him born as a singer, One Directon. From the "boyband" he sings the songs "Fool's Gold" and "Drag Me Down".

Without the need for a large production and sometimes with his guitar in his hands, Niall managed to hypnotize the present who were in ecstasy with the In the almost 90 minutes of the show, Horan showed himself to be participatory with his disciples, to whom he ended up dedicating the songs "Slow Hands" and "Mirrors", two of his biggest hits right here.

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