Speeches of presidential candidates at the closing of their campaign


Presidential candidates Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the Juntos Haremos Historia coalition; José Antonio Meade of the All for Mexico alliance and Ricardo Anaya of Por México at the Front wrapped up their campaigns on Wednesday (June 27th).

López Obrador did it in the Estadio Azteca, Mexico City; Meade in Saltillo, Coahuila and Anaya in León, Guanajuato

These are the speeches, with which the candidates who are placed in the first three places of the polls closed 90 days of campaigns.

**** [19659005] LEE: With a musical festival, AMLO closing campaign at the Estadio Aztecay promises to eradicate corruption

Message of the candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during his campaign closure at Estadio Azteca, in the city With this festive act we reached the end of the 2018 campaign. There is a contagious and vibrant joy among people because the mood from society and surveys indicate that we are going to win elections next Sunday.

We are about to begin IV transformation in the history of Mexico and make dreams of many Mexicans from before and our time a reality; What we are going to achieve comes from far away and has been forged with the effort and fatigue of many comrades, men and women, of different social classes and schools of thought who fought for freedom, justice, democracy and defense of national sovereignty

We remember with admiration and respect those who have been involved in social and political movements over the years: peasants, workers, students, teachers, doctors, railways, human rights defenders and other defenders

Here, I emphasize the participation of the youth of 68 and leaders such as Valentin Campa, Demetrio Vallejo, Ruben Jaramillo, Othon Salazar, Alejandro Gascón Mercado, Hébert Castillo, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Salvador Nava, Manuel Clouthier, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, Ifigenia Martínez and Doña Rosario Ibarra de Piedra to whom I pay homage. I tell them I will vote for her on July 1st.

What we have accomplished lately is that we owe it to many Mexicans from all regions, cultures and social classes of the country. On this memorable day, I fondly remember José María Pérez Gay, Luis Javier Garrido, Hugo Vega Gutierrez, Julio Scherer Garcia, Sergio Pitol, and Carlos Monsiváis, and I celebrate that they stay alive and with the spirit still young Elenita Poniatowska, Fernando del Paso and Carlos Payán

We will never forget the social leaders, peasants, workers, natives, friends, friends, simple and good people who started to fight with us and we have caught up, dead women and men who wanted to see this moment. I am sure that on Sunday night they will celebrate the triumph that they have helped to build.

Sunday's victory came to fruition by the self-denial of many, it does not arise suddenly and does not just come from the discomfort caused by the old authoritarian and corrupt regime that is coming to an end . The fruits that will now begin to be harvested also come from sowing the ideas, work and perseverance of political leaders from all levels and regions of Mexico.

Very little was spontaneous or left to chance; With anticipation we decided to put the ideas forward, to bet on the peaceful way and to apply the premises that only the people can save the people and that only the united and organized people can save the nation.

The work that has been done In recent years, it has been to raise public awareness of the need to achieve, through the organization and participation of citizens, a real change.

Gradually, citizens became aware of something that is not necessarily obvious: the existence and prevalence of a mafia of power; Similarly, our work has allowed us to expand the idea that the central problem is corruption, which is the main cause of social and economic inequality, violence and other ills. this revolution of consciences and the construction of a collective will as a force for transformation require an enormous amount of educational work with the people; he demands to preach by example; it takes courage, conviction and perseverance.

But what can be done, our movement is the best example: in a short time we contributed decisively to change the mentality of large areas of Mexico; We have highlighted the forms of manipulation and control of the current regime and we have made it clear that the PRI and the PAN represent the same thing. Today, people are more aware of the existence of a small group that controls institutions, better understand how they dominate and their excessive greed.

I think that until now, this has been the greatest social and political contribution of our movement. . Keep in mind that you can not change what is not known and that what is well understood is barely forgotten. The result of this awareness-raising work is the awakening of many middle-class citizens who previously insulted us and who now respect and vote for us; the same is true for most young people. I am the oldest candidate, but young people, with their imagination, their rebellion and their talent, know that we represent the new, forged modernity from below and for all.

On the basis of what has been accomplished but no less profound than Independence, Reformation and Revolution; We have not made all this effort for simple cosmetic changes, especially, let alone to keep more of the same.

The Fourth Transformation will be peaceful but radical, understanding that the word radical comes from the root and that the goal is to begin rooted the corrupt regime of injustices and privileges


Concluded the electoral process and until the inauguration of December 1st, we will devote ourselves to elaborating the governmental program already sketched in the Project of the nation 2018-2024, which we will implement with the participation of the people

Here, I points out some essential actions that will define the national transformation:

There will be an authentic Rule of Law under the liberal premise of the law nothing and above the law person. We will respect the division of powers and the sovereignty of states and municipalities. As Júarez has said, nothing by force, everything by reason and right. No one will be spied, persecuted, repressed or banished.
CISEN will cease to exist. There will be full respect for the manifestations of ideas, civil and religious liberties and the right to dissent will be guaranteed.

An authentic democracy will be established. From the Presidency of the Republic we will promote free and free elections, we will fight against the illegal and perverse practices of vote buying, threats and faccioso use of the budget for the benefit of candidates and parties. Although I assume the commitment to become a guardian of political freedoms, as Francisco I. Madero has said, we will pay close attention to the appointment of the new electoral prosecutor and we will propose an honest person , impartial and honest for this important position.

we will send a reform initiative to Congress to turn electoral crimes into serious crimes, so that officials, party leaders and citizens who violate the principle of effective suffrage can be sent to prison without bail. word

We will put an end to corruption. The political will of the President will be engaged in this regard. . Nobody will enjoy impunity. this includes, of course, friends, companions and parents, and the influx of influence will end; No group or person, no matter how powerful, will do illegal business under the protection of public power. Those who seize money or property of the people or the nation will be severely punished.

I will act by example. I will send an initiative to Congress to amend Article 102 so that the Acting President can be tried for corruption offenses. Also, I will submit to the proof of revocation of the warrant. That is to say, halfway through six years, in three years we will ask the citizens if they want the president to continue or resign, because in a true democracy the people puts and the people take away , is the one who should always have the reins of power

The new president of Mexico will have the moral and political authority to ask everyone to follow a correct course of action and to call to do the following. Honesty a way of life and a mode of government. Once this determination is put into practice, the country will be moralized, the image of Mexico abroad will be improved and we will save what corrupt politicians and peddlers of influence are now stealing.

There will be austere government, without luxury or privileges The salaries of senior officials will be reduced to increase the salaries of those below. In this case too, I will give the example: I will earn less than half of what Enrique Peña Nieto receives without compensation of any kind. There will be no waste or unnecessary expense. I will not live in Los Pinos; this residence will become a space for art and culture. I will not travel aboard the presidential plane, all the flotilla of planes and helicopters that currently serve senior officials will be sold. Only escorts will work in security tasks. I will not use the services of the Presidential General Staff who will become fully part of the Secretary of National Defense. Retreats of past presidents will be canceled. There will be no special savings or private medical care for senior officials. Unnecessary and duplicate administrative structures will be eliminated. It will minimize expenses for travel abroad, conventions, consultations and advertising, and there will be very few private advisers and secretaries.

All that we save for not allowing corruption and the plan of the republican austerity will be used to finance the development. I am sure that the budget will bring us more money and allow us to fulfill all the commitments with the people, without increasing, in real terms, the taxes or the public debt.

There will be no gasolinazos either. The budget will aim to reactivate the economy, create jobs and fight against poverty.

It will be a priority to strengthen productive activity and the internal market. We will promote the development of different regions of the country. The field will be saved, the construction industry will be promoted and the one dedicated to the manufacture of clothing, footwear and other goods. The energy sector will be saved. The goal is to produce gasoline, diesel, gas and electricity that we consume to stop buying them abroad and reduce the prices of these inputs to the benefit consumers and domestic companies.

We will try to emigrate to be optional and not necessary. We will strive to ensure that people find work and well-being in their places of origin, where their families, their customs and their culture are. I reiterate: those who want to emigrate, do it for pleasure, not because of hunger, marginalization or insecurity.

Our development program will begin with the support of the productive activities of indigenous and peasant communities, as well as the creation of employment opportunities for workers in popular urban settlements. We will distribute a food basket at a low price. Young people will have the right to study and work. Fellows, no assassins!

The so-called educational reform will be canceled and we will develop, with teachers and parents, an educational plan to really improve the quality of teaching, without affecting the labor rights of the teaching profession. We will strengthen free and quality education at all levels of schooling. There will be free medical care and medicine. The water will not be privatized. The pension will be doubled for the elderly and this support will also be granted to the ISSSTE and IMSS pensioners. We will pay special attention to science and technological innovation. Sport, in addition to its importance as a professional activity, will be a fundamental element of the public health plan. And all our actions will be guided by respect for the culture of the people and the natural environment.

We will give special support to those who suffer from impairments and forgetfulness. Our government will take care of everyone, respect everyone, but give preference to the poor. We will do it by conviction and by humanism, but also because in a society as unequal as ours, it is almost impossible to achieve peace without justice and well-being. It shows that in countries where there is no corruption or poverty, insecurity and violence are minimal.

We will act effectively to combat so-called organized crime. We can not remain indifferent when 89 daily killings are committed. The balance due to the violence lately is terrible. Since the beginning of Calderón to date more than 230 thousand people have been killed; According to official figures, there are 36,000 missing and about one million relatives of victims mourned and injured by the violence.

We will face these serious problems without violating human rights. I will not delegate this responsibility: I will assume cabinet coordination in this matter. The dispersal will end and there will be joint work of all the police and military companies. Every day, starting at 6 am, I will meet the Secretary of Defense, along with the Navy, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Public Security and the Secretary of the Interior to receive the report of the crimes committed in the last 24 hours and make the necessary decisions. In the same way, territorial coordination will be established in each of the regions of the country to act jointly.

The security policy will be defined after our triumph Sunday, because first we will summon the families of the victims, religious figures, human rights defenders, representatives of the United Nations and the United Nations. social organizations, as well as specialists, to analyze all the appropriate alternatives to achieve the pacification of the country.

I will also summon the people of Mexico to build an ethical consensus that is essential for coexistence. To this end, we will give priority to the preparation and dissemination of the Moral Constitution, not as a legal instrument or interference of the state in the privacy of citizens but as a "law enforcement". expression of the fundamental values ​​that unite us and survive even after the degradation and disastrous destruction of the social fabric perpetuated in our country in recent decades. We will not only seek material well-being but also the well-being of the soul. We will repeat, once and a thousand times, that it is only by being good that we can be happy.

We will maintain cordial and fruitful relations with all the countries of the world. Globality should not mean war or hegemony, but fraternity and cooperation between peoples and states. We will adhere to the constitutional principles of the absence of intervention, self-determination and the peaceful settlement of disputes. In the relationship with the United States, there will be a willingness to dialogue and reach agreements.

At the time, we will propose to President Donald Trump a comprehensive and comprehensive treaty with Canada, which also includes the countries of Central America. Alliance for Progress, focused not only on trade but on regional development, job creation, wages, migration, security, among other issues. Through geopolitics, neighborhood, friendship, economy, trade, migration and culture, we have to understand each other and walk together. We will not be disrespectful to the United States government because we do not want anyone to offend the people and the Mexican nation. Mexico is a free and sovereign country, it will never be a piñata of any foreign government.


For these goals to come true, I urge you to go and vote Sunday and take care of the places

win, but our triumph must be overwhelming. It will be a historical fact. The victory of an entire people will be consumed in the face of the immorality and decadence of recent times.

He will lose the Conservative party but there will be no reprisals. We will seek unity as much as possible, but we do not bet on unanimity or single thought. We are committed to building a democracy, not a dictatorship.

Our opponents will always have respect and we will never see them as enemies.

We will change along the path of concord. Mexico we are all. The government will represent the rich and the poor, believers and non-believers, and in an environment of total liberties, we will build a better, more just, more equal, more democratic, more loving and more fraternal society.

] I am a man of conviction and principles. My honesty is priceless.

And I have a legitimate ambition, I want to be a good president

Together we will make history.

Viva México
Viva México
Viva México


LEE: Meade closes the campaign with a final request for a vote for his project and not for AMLO

Message from the candidate José Antonio Meade at the closing of his campaign in Saltillo, Coahuila.

José Antonio Meade: Good afternoon Coahuila

Hello, Saltillo

How is this great army doing?

This great army that knows no defeat?

This strong, enthusiastic and winning structure?

I am very happy to be in Coahuila, from here we salute all Mexico in this closing of campaign, in this closing of this stage that the first of July will bring us to win.

And here we are all of us who are part of this coalition are present and we are ready New Alliance

Are we ready?

We are also accompanied by the Green Party with which we will take care of all the environment.

And there is the structure, militancy, leadership of a PRI government that the first of July will win again.

To hear us loudly: we did the job in this election, we did it with proposals, we did it with profiles. The structure is ready, the activism, we are ready to, in this jealous, win the rope.

Besides Nueva Alianza, besides the Green, besides this precious militancy, there are thousands of citizens, thousands of representatives of civil society, representatives of sectors, organizations, and those who speak for many people. Mexicans and who form a team today, and who do not doubt that they are on the bright side of history and that together, in Mexico, we will win.

I wish to greet in a very special way my friend Governor Miguel Riquelme

Today, our parliamentarians, our deputies, our senators, the federal deputies, the local deputies and also those who are present are represented here. with me we are candidates for this election and those who will win with me


We did the best campaign, we did it with millions of Mexicans and Mexicans, this was the campaign of the proposals, the campaign of Mexico of the future, the campaign of the progress of our families, that of employment, that of quality education, that of how to achieve the security that we wish, this was the campaign that will win the First of July

In this closing I want to thank the media and the source that has covered us, who has accompanied us all over the country, which has helped us to convey our message and our vision to every Mexican home.

This space of communication must be recognized because it was precious and helped us to deploy on the ground, to deploy by plane; If we could, we would have deployed by sea. And so, with this commitment, we will win!

This effort of this campaign is an effort we have made as a family, it's an effort we make in the campaign, activism, activism and all those who are convinced that we want a better country.

Today, thank you and I tell you that I am proud to be the father of Dionisio, José Ángel, Magdalena, that I am proud of the role that Juana Cuevas played in this election. ] But I want to tell you that by recognizing them, I recognize each of the family members we meet here and what they have been working on during these months to bring the country's best project to victory.

Thanks to you, thanks to your families

With this support, we will win for these families

And I want to tell you that this effort has already paid off, because we have no doubt that we have progressed, that we are walking, we bring trending and tr a sure path that will lead us to victory

We are at a key moment in our history, at a time when we must call for reflection, That's why the law gives silence, that's why it gives us space to think in the family and intimacy what we want for the country.

Therefore, closing here in Coahuila is so important, because from here, from Coahuila there were men and women with a democratic vocation in history, who defended the ideals of Mexico and that today these ideals are the pillar of our nation.

It is with this spirit that we want, in this closing, to call and invoke reflection, so that we defend our vision and our country project.

On this bulletin is what we think, what we want, what we have built, in this election, we play the destiny of the country.

This is the land of Madero, it is the land of Carranza, it is the land of thousands of men and women who shake hands for Coahuila and for Mexico that we want to defend.

Our vision of the country is at stake, our security, our prosperity and our tranquility are at stake.

Today, we must recognize that there is much to change, we must recognize that There is a lot to correct. And we must begin by correcting what hurts us the most, which is precisely the challenge of our security.

Recently here in Coahuila, crime took the life of our partner Fernando Purón, he devoted his life to fighting insecurity and violence, there is no better way to Honor your memory of working with courage and without rest to give peace and security to Mexican families.

We will not forgive criminals, we will confront them, block their sources of funding and armaments, and we will work to recover Mexico in tranquility.

For that we occupy brave and loyal mayors in Mexico, because in the municipalities is the most vulnerable part of the security, that is why we must choose the most reliable, which are the ones who are here today And with whom I will draw lots.

Here in Coahuila, we'll win 5 out of 5!

We will win the town halls, we will win the federal deputies, we will win the local Congress to accompany Riquelme in his mission to Coahuila, we will win, with a renewed spirit, senators to speak for Coahuila.

And these were four, the fifth that we will win, here in Coahuila, is the presidency of the Republic!

The results of this election will define the course of the country for the following years, and that means that our children, our daughters, they will ask us which side of the story we were on, they will ask us what effort we have done.

And we are obliged to answer that we were on the right side of the story, we were on the side of those who believe in the legacy of the fact that we worked for the chandeliers, for those of us. among us who believe in the greatness of Mexico, for those who think that this country is destined to succeed, that it is destined to be a power, to those who value the past, but we work by seeing and forging o

History will judge those who, knowing the risk of the authoritarian and non-democratic alternative of Andrés Manuel, have allowed it. A threatening Andres Manuel threatens the Supreme Court of Justice, threatens the armed forces, threatens families to take criminals to the streets, threatens our jobs by attacking the investment that generates them, threatens our children by threatening them destroy their education and their future and threaten to take tigers and demons.

And we say, "we will win."

We will ratify the only serious project, to give the change that Mexico needs, our proposal is the best, that's why we will win and the others will lose again.

This coalition for the first time made a non-militant candidate, it's an unprecedented fact in Mexico. They named me because they saw in me the profile to face the challenges of Mexico, and I accepted because I love my country and I want to tell you that 39, they are not wrong, that I will not fail them, that I have not seen my children in the eyes, to the citizens and tell them that I have accredited in this campaign a path honest with no other privilege than serving Mexico.

I bring to this campaign the example of the values ​​I have received in family, the values ​​of parents, the values ​​of my in-laws, the values ​​of my family and here today. I thank you all.

I have had teachers who have shown me with great passion the profound transformation that our country needs. Thanks to your vote, I will be president

It will be a new government, I will integrate a team with values, with proven integrity, in which no one is above the law, no one with officials who , like me, can see the I look at your children and your citizens and I accredit them, as I did, where your income comes from and which fits your lifestyle, with officials who, as thousands of you, stand up every day to serve with passion and

In the government we are going to lead, we will work with each of the Mexicans until we assure them, each one of us from among them, that their rights and the opportunities that are due to them will be there.

I want to fill the gaps between men and women, between North and South, between Mexico opportunities and Mexico poverty, between those who live in a condition of capacity and those who are not . I know that Mexico has a destiny of greatness that no one wants to take.

I want to be the president of this country, where we can imagine and dream very hard, I want a united Mexico, a Mexico of and for women, a safe Mexico and without impunity, a Mexico with certainty, stability and More and better jobs, a Mexico that cares for our environment, a Mexico without poverty in which our children have a quality education.

Nous partons pour un Coahuila et un Mexique où nous terminons l'école secondaire, nous avons assuré l'enseignement supérieur, un Mexique avec la santé pour tous et 100 hôpitaux, un Mexique avec joie, espoir et liberté, un Mexique de familles, de valeurs et de foi.

Pour construire ce Mexique nous avons beaucoup de volontés, avec beaucoup de Mexicains qui, comme moi, rêvent d'une patrie plus juste et plus inclusive.

Beaucoup de Mexicains qui ont ajouté leur volonté, qui ont ajouté leur enthousiasme, qui ont ajouté leur foi, beaucoup Mexicains qui ont fait des chaînes de travail, de persuasion, de militantisme, d'activisme, de bonne volonté, de prière. Et je veux vous remercier tous et tous aujourd'hui.

Je veux vous dire d'ici, de Coahuila, que cela vaut la peine de se battre pour notre pays, de relever nos défis et de se joindre à la construction d'un Mexique généreux et prospère uni et réconcilié.

Merci pour cette clôture de campagne, merci beaucoup pour votre dévouement, votre foi, votre espoir, pour vous être placé du bon côté de l'histoire, pour avoir fait confiance à la grandeur du Mexique.

Nous voilà tous pour le Mexique et nous gagnerons

Dès demain, tous les candidats doivent garder le silence, mais la conscience de tous les Mexicains doit continuer à évaluer ce qui est en jeu.

De Coahuila je fais un appel aux millions de consciences qui ne peuvent être éteintes, à vos voix, à chacun de vos parents, à vos amis, à vos collègues.

Ces voix ne peuvent pas seulement être éteintes, elles sont activer, parce qu'il n'y a pas de veda électoral ni pour la raison ni pour les idéaux, ni de tigre ou de démon qui peut changer ce que vous choisissez avec les votes.

Le dimanche nous comptons les votes, pas les menaces! 19659002] Au moment de la réflexion profonde, nous devons exercer un vote de conscience afin que, par la décision que nous prenons tous, changeons ce pays pour de bon.

Je vous demande de voter avec amour, avec passion, avec responsabilité y con visión.

Asumamos que de nuestra decisión, este primero de julio estaremos definiendo el futuro de nuestros hijos, por eso les pido a todos y cada uno de ustedes: ¡voten Todos por México!

Salgamos a dar la batalla de nuestras vidas, defendamos al país y hagamos historia, luchemos para ofrecerles a nuestros hijos un México con mejores oportunidades, luchemos del lado correcto de la historia.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

¡Gracias por su esfuerzo!

¡Gracias por su fe![19659002]No hay nada ni nadie que detenga los sueños de todos los mexicanos. ¡Vamos juntos a la victoria!

¡Que viva Coahuila!

¡Que viva México!

¡Vamos a ganar!


LEE: Anaya cierra campaña con un llamado expreso al voto útil contra AMLO

Mensaje del candidato a la Presidencia de la República por la coalición Por México al Frente, Ricardo Anaya Cortés, durante su cierre de campaña, en León, Guanajuato.

Ricardo Anaya Cortés (RAC): Muchas gracias, muchas gracias.

¿Cómo está Guanajuato? ¿Estamos listos para ganar?

Me da muchísimo gusto estar hoy aquí en Guanajuato, me siento profundamente emocionado.

Yo quiero en primer lugar saludar a un gran amigo, a un gran ser humano, a un compañero del que hoy me siento, profundamente orgulloso, que se ha preparado y ha trabajado, y no tengo absolutamente ninguna duda, va a ser el próximo gobernador del estado de Guanajuato, Diego Sinhué.

Diego, Diego.

Quiero también saludar, voy a meter un gol aquí, ahí está, perdón compañero.

Quiero también saludar a nuestro anfitrión, a un hombre valiente, trabajador, ordenado, de resultados, a quien va a ser alcalde de León, Héctor López Santillana.


Quiero también desde aquí enviarle un saludo con muchísimo cariño, con mucho afecto y con enorme reconocimiento, a un extraordinario gobernador, al gobernador del estado de Guanajuato, Miguel Márquez Márquez.

En este cierre de campaña a mí me llena de emoción que estén aquí hoy con nosotros dos ex candidatos a la Presidencia de la Republica. Yo quiero agradecer de todo corazón, no solo la presencia, sino, el respaldo, el acompañamiento, la solidaridad, el coraje y la verticalidad de Diego Fernández de Cevallos.

Gracias de todo corazón.

Y, también a una gran mujer, la primera mujer en la historia de nuestro partido en ser candidata a la Presidencia de la República, una mujer de la que nos sentimos profundamente orgullosos, muchas gracias por estar aquí, querida, Josefina Vázquez Mota.

En este cierre de campaña, quiero aprovechar la oportunidad para dar las gracias.

Hoy, quiero agradecer a los partidos que integraron nuestra coalición, quiero agradecer la confianza, el respaldo, el trabajo y el compromiso de nuestras queridas amigas y amigos del PRD, y agradezco la presencia hoy aquí, de Jesús Zambrano, les pido un fuerte aplauso para los compañeros del PRD. Gracias Jesús.

Quiero también agradecer de manera sincera a un hombre al que no tenía yo, el gusto de conocer a fondo. Y, por quien hoy, tengo profunda admiración. Conocía yo, de su historia de lucha, sabia, que en las épocas del régimen priista más autoritario, fue preso político, que ha luchado por la democracia en nuestro país.

Pero es además, un hombre profundamente solidario y de enorme calidad humana, yo le agradezco mucho a Dante Delgado y a Movimiento Ciudadano su acompañamiento y su respaldo. Gracias estimado Dante.

Por supuesto, por supuesto, quiero agradecer de manera muy especial, a nuestro partido, un partido con 80 casi años, de lucha, de lucha por la democracia, por la dignidad de las personas, por la solidaridad, por la construcción del bien común. Agradezco mucho la presencia del presidente nacional del Partido Acción Nacional, Damián Zepeda Vidales, gracias, Acción Nacional.

Quiero también aprovechar la oportunidad para agradecer a las compañeras y a los compañeros de la fuente. Que nos han seguido por toda la República Mexicana.

Y, con todo mi corazón, le quiero hoy dar las gracias a mi familia. Las campañas son momentos de enorme alegría, pero también de enormes retos, de enormes sacrificios, y yo, agradezco de todo corazón, la solidaridad de mi compañera de vida, del amor de mi vida, de mi esposa, Carolina y también desde aquí, de mis tres hijitos, Carmen, Mateo, Santiago.

Y, con mi familia, saludo a todas las familias del estado de Guanajuato y que viva la familia.

Quiero también agradecer de todo corazón a todo mi equipo de campaña, a todas aquellas y aquellos que trabajaron de manera incansable, desde hace prácticamente 6 meses.

Gracias, gracias, gracias, de todo corazón a los jóvenes, y arriba los jóvenes de Guanajuato.

Gracias, gracias, a los adultos mayores que hoy nos acompañan, y a quienes les refrendo mi absoluto compromiso.

Gracias, a todos los hombres, emprendedores, trabajadores y valientes, pero sobre tod o, ¿si vinieron las mujeres?

Pero sobre todo, gracias a quienes han sido el alma de esta campaña, gracias a las mujeres. Mujeres.

Estamos, queridas amigas y amigos, cerrando a tambor batiente, se siente un ánimo extraordinario entre la gente, se siente un ánimo de triunfo y un ánimo de victoria.

Como en nuestra histórica concentración de hace unos días en el Ángel de la Independencia, como en el evento con casi 100 mil personas en el malecón del Puerto de Veracruz, como en el lleno total el día de ayer en el Estadio Marte R. Gómez de Ciudad Victoria, pero sobre todo, porque yo quise venir a cerrar campaña aquí a Guanajuato.

Para mí es un verdadero honor cerrar con campaña con Diego Sinhué, tuve la oportunidad de ser su compañero en la Cámara de Diputados, conozco su historia de vida, sé que es un hombre de principios y de valores, un hombre que se ha preparado y que ha dado resultados, que conoce Guanajuato.

Porque fue regidor, porque fue candidato a diputado local y ganó, porque fue candidato a diputado federal, sirvió a Guanajuato como nunca se había logrado, porque fue Secretario de Desarrollo Social y logró una histórica disminución en la pobreza aquí, en el estado de Guanajuato.

Es para mí un honor acompañar en este cierre de campaña al próximo gobernador de Guanajuato, Diego Sinhué.

Queridas amigas y amigos de Guanajuato, de que México va a cambiar no hay duda, el PRI ya se va.

Pero esta no es una elección más, este domingo estará en juego, literalmente, el futuro de nuestro país; este domingo estará en juego el futuro de toda una generación.

Y, yo quiero hoy hacer un llamado a todas y a todos los mexicanos de buena voluntad. Les quiero pedir que no se dejen engañar por las encuestas falsas que están patrocinadas desde el gobierno. Nuestra coalición, y esto debe quedar claro, es la única que le puede ganar a López Obrador.

Y, por eso hoy, desde Guanajuato, hago un llamado a toda la gente buena, a quienes militan en otros partidos políticos, a las ciudadanas y a los ciudadanos sin militancia partidista, que quede claro, en este proyecto cabemos todas y cabemos todos los que queremos lo mejor para México.

Hago un llamado expreso al voto útil, hagámoslo juntos, hagámoslo todos, y estoy seguro que este domingo vamos a ganar.

Sí se puede, sí se puede.

A lo largo de esta campaña hemos vivido momentos de enorme alegría, pero también supimos enfrentar la adversidad, porque nunca en la historia moderna de nuestro país, el gobierno había intervenido de manera tan descarada, ilegal y vulgar en contra de un candidato presidencial.

Me atacaron porque me atreví a decir que cuando yo sea Presidente de México, habrá una fiscalía autónoma, que investigará todos los actos de corrupción de este sexenio, incluyendo la participación de Enrique Peña Nieto.

Y decidieron, decidieron usar a las instituciones de manera ilegal y de manera facciosa, como ya, inclusive, lo acreditó el Tribunal Federal.

Pero frente a todos los ataques, frente a todas las mentiras, frente a todas las calumnias, aquí estamos de pie, no nos pudieron doblar y no nos podrán doblar nunca.

Y no, nos pudieron derrotar, porque nosotros luchamos por causas, y cuando se lucha por causas, cuando se lucha por lo correcto, cuando se lucha con el corazón, somos invencibles, vamos a ganar.

Amigas y amigos de Guanajuato, el México que soñamos está muy cerca, el México que soñamos, es aquel en el que el gobierno se conduce con principios, con verticalidad y con honestidad.

El México que soñamos, es aquel en el que el gobierno está a la altura del papá y de a mamá, que se quitan el pan de la boca para dárselo a sus hijos, el México que soñamos, es aquel en el que nadie vive en pobreza, el México que soñamos es aquel, en el que todas las familias viven seguras y viven en paz.

Yo quiero pedirles que en estas últimas horas lo entreguemos todo, que entreguemos alma, corazón y vida, quiero pedirles, que no nos quede una puerta por tocar, que no nos quede un corazón por conquistar, quiero pedirles, que lo demos todo por México y por Guanajuato.

Guanajuato, quienes estén dispuestas y dispuestos a darlo todo en estas horas cruciales, quienes amen a México, quienes amen a Guanajuato, que levanten la mano y que hagan la V de la victoria.

Amigas y amigos, vamos juntos, vamos con fuerza, vamos con entusiasmo, y vamos con determinación, vamos con esperanza, porque cuando la esperanza se vuelve invencible, la victoria final está asegurada.

Viva Guanajuato

Viva México.

Hasta la victoria.

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