SSA Issuing Preventative Travel Advice to Colombia – Health, Education and Welfare – Notes


The Ministry of Health has already issued a warning to people traveling to Colombia, because of cases of measles infection that have already been detected in this country.

And so far, in 2018, they have been identified 2 thousand 727 cases

Here are the recommendations for those traveling to Colombia:

-Apply the measles vaccine (at least 14 days old) before your trip).

-People who can not prove who were vaccinated when they were children and who have never been vaccinated against measles [19659002].

– Review the national immunization card for your children and yourself. In Mexico, measles immunization

is routinely administered, at the age of 12 months, the first dose is applied, and at the age of 6 years or

the second dose is applied [19659002] – Children 6 to 11 months old should receive one dose of measles vaccine when they travel


– Infants vaccinated before the age of 12 months should be revaccinated before the age of 1 year, with an interval of

between the two doses of at least 28 days [19659002] – Adolescents and adults who have not received two doses of vaccine should be vaccinated. If you have never had measles, you should receive two separate doses for at least 28 days.

-Women of reproductive age should be vaccinated with SR

. . If you have fever and rashes during your trip and up to 21 days after your return to Mexico, consider the following:

-Do not take self-medication and see a doctor immediately.

oral oral serum or oral electrolytes to prevent dehydration.

-Court with the medical staff who treats you, about your travel history to these areas.

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