Stab at 9 in the capital of Idaho


Boise, Idaho A man who was asked to leave an apartment complex in Idaho for misconduct returned the next day and assaulted nine people, including six children, with a knife during the party birthday of a girl, said the police yesterday.

Among the wounded are refugees from Syria, Iraq and Ethiopia. Boise Police Chief William Bones said that despite the fact that the detainee is American, the investigators did not find evidence that the attack was a hate crime. However, it is one of many opportunities that continue in research, he added.

Timmy Kinner is introduced Saturday night at the complex, where many refugee families live in Boise. According to the police, Kinner, who is not a refugee, attacked those present at the party that took place at the entrance of the apartment where he was living shortly. "This incident does not represent our community, but an individual who assaulted unprovoked people we know about," said the police chief.

Among the victims is the festive girl, 3 years old, and five children aged 4 to 12 years. Three adults who came to the defense of the children were also injured, some critically, Bones said.

A resident of the complex had recently met Kinner, who needed a place to stay and was new to the area.

"I think she's thought," Here, I can help someone in the same way that I get help, "Bones says.

The resident asks Kinner Friday to leave the apartment because He's behavior had become a problem, and he left without problems, Bones said. The police chief did not specify Kinner's behavior. The woman was not among the victims.

Esrom Habte, 12, and Fathi Mahamoud, 11, were playing in a garden behind their apartment when the attack began. They saw the man chasing people.

"We saw him say harsh words and stab a child and a very strong adult and several times," said Esrom.

They both ran to an apartment and hid in a closet with other children until the police told them that they could leave safely, he said. added.

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