Stan Lee has been living the last dark days in battle with his real bad guys


By: Editorial

People close to the legend of Marvel, Stan Lee, revealed how this 95-year-old man died with a broken heart and lived his "dark days" after the death of his wife.

Stan's wife, Joan Lee, also died at the age of 95 on July 6, 2017, leaving her husband, his soulmate, in a total disaster and in a dark place, according to the comic icon's relatives, reported the Daily Mail.

According to the podcast entitled "Scandal: The World of Stan Lee: his battle in real life with heroes and villains, "Lee was absorbed by the situation that saw him surrounded by a revolving door of" vultures and snakes "before dying alone.

The podcast, written by CNN's experienced entertainment journalist Alan Duke, who was a close friend of Lee and witnessed a lot of his life, presented a series of revealing audios of Lee himself and interviews with his close associates.

Duke told DailyMailTV that he was working on a podcast titled "Saving" Stan Lee: The time of the heroes', before the death of the legend. Since the tragic death of the creator of Marvel, he has been forced to change things.

"The worst that has happened in the world of Stan Lee That's when Joan died, when he lost his wife. She was his protectress, his closest adviser, she was his love and he really did not want to continue after that, "said Duke.

"I want people to talk about what happened to Stan, what was going on in the world Stan Lee In recent years, he competes with any story in Game of Thrones, with characters and stakes. And although we did not have bloodshed, we actually had some epic battles inside. Stan's life changed after the death of his wife Joan, all the chaos of last year, it sadly saddened me, "he added.

Duke says that he has "tons" of material, video and audio in Stan's own words, photos and stories told by witnesses that will help fans understand what was happening in Lee's world.

Max Anderson, former manager of Lee's career, told Duke: "I knew it would happen someday … it made me lose control."

"The last years that I spent with him as much as possible, and especially when his wife died, I stayed there almost every day from morning till night, to see a man lose his spouse for 70 years. years." Never imagine that seeing him on the spot was painful, very painful, and I tried to do everything I could to keep him up and sometimes it worked and I sometimes needed to cry. He lost his will to live, all that was all that was it was with Joanie, "he said.

Anderson said that Lee was devastated when she died and desperately wanted to be with her.

"It just did not have a different meaning, I did not want to do anything else, it was all for her," he said.

"What made him move forward was his fans, they really made him change, they fed him the energy he needed, the lack of love he did not have Joan, he had obtained from the fans, that's what kept him alive all that time. "

Anderson last saw Lee in February of this year, following an argument between his leaders and his lawyer, Tom Lallas, who escorted him out of his property.

"Lee was close to strangers," he said.

Anderson says Lee's new people are disconnecting him from the world.

"I did not know how to call people, I did not know how to drive," he said.

"It's a sad day for the world, but I'm glad it's with his wife," he said.

Another close friend and adviser to Lee, the businessman Keya Morgan, a former New York souvenir merchant, tells Duke that Lee was desperate to join Joan in heaven.

"I only know that he constantly repeated how much he wanted to see his lovely wife Joan and how he was waiting for her." In fact, he said that he might have had a boyfriend there. down, so he'd better hurry and get in. He was always joking like that. "

Morgan says that even though Lee had a very difficult life in the end because of all the vultures and snakes of his life, he never lost his sense of humor.

"I am very grateful to have known him and just hope that he's in heaven with Joan and that they're having tea, laughing and dancing, I miss him for all the time." 39; eternity. "

Duke also spoke with Brad Herman and Peter Paul, one of Lee's former business leaders in the 1990s.

Paul said, "There was definitely a unique bond between him and his wife, he had a deep trust in her, his influence was deep, his emotional and intellectual support to take the risk of doing what he wanted to do. writing characters and stories that meant something made a difference. "

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