"Star Trek" Tarantino will feature the protagonists of the saga


  In addition to the movie Tarantino, the Star Trek universe is preparing the sequel to "Star Trek: Beyond". (2016), currently under development.

In addition to the movie Tarantino, the Star Trek universe is preparing the sequel to "Star Trek: Beyond". (2016), currently under development.


The distribution composed of Chris Pine Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto among others, will also be the stars of the film Star Trek directed by Quentin Tarantino .

At least that is what stands out from the last statements of Quinto, who in a recent interview said that "anything can happen"

"My guess is that it will be with us, c & # 39; is so it's been introduced, "confesses Zachary during the podcast of Happy Sad Confused referring to the highly anticipated project of Stark Trek with Tarantino

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In this way, the actor would welcome the distribution of films made by JJ Abrams repeated in the filmmaker's project Knoxville.

"You know, until I reach an agreement and the contracts are signed, nothing is still, so anything can happen, I understand that Quentin had this idea They were forming and training, but he went to do his film Manson [Charles] it would be after, when maybe we will make one with him, which is quite exciting, very good, "concluded the actor American age of 41.

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After the announcement of a new film in the saga led by Tarantino, most fans of ] Star Trek assumed that the film would be placed in an alternative chronology and, of course, with a completely different distribution.

If the last insinuations of Zachary Quinto end up be realized, the distribution of the four previous films I would also like to repeat

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In addition to the movie Tarantino, the universe Star Trek is preparing for the sequel to ] Star Trek: Beyond (2016), under development

Directed by SJ Clarkson this film will feature the cast of Chris Pine Zachary Quinto Zoe Saldana John Cho Simon Pegg Karl Urban and the rest of the usual casting.


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