State-of-the-art toilet technology saves 500,000 lives


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates called a "toilet revolution" in Beijing on a global scale.

The shortage of clean sanitary facilities causes diseases that cause each year the death of half a million children under the age of five, said Gates in the Chinese capital, where the Reinvented is held Toilet Expo, organized by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. state-of-the-art technologies are presented in terms of toilets and sanitation systems to make them cheaper and easier to install

In places without safe sanitary facilities, there is much more than a small container. These and other pathogens cause diseases such as diarrhea, cholera and typhoid fever, which kill nearly 500,000 children under the age of five each year. Over the last seven years, the foundation has invested more than $ 200 million in toilet development.

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Gates himself told how he had gone from the computer world to the toilet world. blog"I became interested in sanitation a decade ago, when I stopped working full time at Microsoft. Melinda and I started traveling more often in poor countries.

"We visited communities where children played on tracks full of human waste, where the latrines were emptied by hand, where the stench of communal toilets was so bad that people did not want to use them and where families drank Contaminated water waste (…) It's also because much of what we were looking for was saving and improving lives can only be achieved if people have sanitation sure.

After asking scientists several questions about whether this could be improved in the world, sanitation began to delve deeper into the subject: "At the beginning of my life and my career, there was a time when" the situation was such "in computing, it was a big computer that only big companies and governments could afford, some of us had another idea, we dreamed of personal computers that everyone could use.Many people told us we were crazy, but we believed it and now people can not imagine the world as it was.

"I think it's possible to achieve such things in the field of sanitation, which is why we have invested more than $ 200 million over the past seven years, working with partners to develop a new generation of sanitation technologies without sanitation, "said the philanthropist.


Gates detailed some projects to carry out his mission in the field of sanitation: "To solve this problem, we are working with partners to develop a small-scale treatment plant for the treatment of fecal sludge ( …) almost everywhere, it is called Omni-Processor, which recovers human waste, kills dangerous pathogens and converts the resulting materials into commercially valuable products, such as drinking water. , electricity and fertilizers. "

The second was to invent an autonomous toilet, also capable of killing pathogens, with a small integrated treatment plant. We call this reinvented toilet, which is actually a set of innovative technologies that use methods to break down waste and destroy germs. , leaving clean water and solids that can be used as fertilizer or can be safely disposed of in the open without additional treatment. "

He also noted that his partners had made great strides in the development of other innovative technologies to control odors, separate urine from solids, administer menstrual hygiene and treat liquids.


In total, more than 20 companies are prepared for the company with innovative sanitation products without sewers.

"Today, I am pleased to say that a growing number of companies are poised to take over reinvented toilets." Companies such as Clear, Eco-San, SCG Chemicals and Eram Scientific Solutions have announced their first products for reinvented toilets, and CRRC, Sedron Technologies, Ankur Scientific and Tide Technocrats are announcing their Omni processors, "said Gates.

He added that other partners will announce the availability of products based on the innovative solution.

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