Steel prices will be eliminated before the signing of the T-MEC: SE


T-MEC, Tariffs, Steel, United States, Canada, Treaty of Commerce, Rogelio Garza Garza, SE

The United States imposes tariffs under section 232 for reasons of national security. Image from Twitter: @SE_mx


The Mexican government has committed to eliminating tariffs 25% to steel imports imposed by the United States and Canada before November 30, deadline to sign the new North American trade agreement.

The Undersecretary for Industry and Commerce of the Ministry of Economy (SE), Rogelio Garza Garza, said the talks are "very advanced" with the two countries to withdraw the measure affecting the steel industry in Mexico.

We are very advanced and we are convinced that this measure will be repeated before the signing of the free trade agreement, "he said during his participation in the Sixth Congress of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. iron and steel industry of Mexico (Canacero).

He clarified that the treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) was ready to be signed by the leaders of the three countries and did not threaten in any way this process of imposition of the imposed tax. to our country.

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Garza explained that the United States uses this mechanism in the context of Article 232, with the argument of national security, and Mexico has expressed rejection since its imposition on June 1, because "we do not cause any harm to our exports".

The case of Canada is different, he explained, since it is a preliminary injury inquiry, that is to say that the tariff would be refunded. 25% When he verified that Mexico did not affect the industry of this country, he explained.

But "as this is a preliminary step, no damage has yet been established for Mexico." Until now, nothing has been blamed on us, "said the federal official.

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For his part, Máximo Vedoya, president of Canacero, said the biggest problem is the United States, because Mexican exports have fallen by 30% since the imposition of the tax.

The above has led the domestic industry to maintain a production 8.0% lower than that recorded prior to the adoption of the US government protectionist measure, he said.

Mexico must be in similar conditions against the United StatesHe added that our country posed no threat and that this only substantially contradicts the main objective of the free trade agreement.


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