Street Fighter player arrested for sexual harassment



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He was also a contributor to the Japanese magazine Weekly Playboy

Kenji Kuroda considered one of the best players in Street Fighter III: Third Strike, arrested this weekend after committing acts of harassment against a high school girl. After being arrested, the player has accepted the charges and is still investigating whether there are more similar charges against him.

The Japanese Portal ANN News reports that the meeting of the high school student and Kudora was after a meeting at Twitter . At this meeting, the high school student was cornered by the player, who according to the reports presented obscene attitudes toward the girl.

The complaint was filed by the victim's mother. The case began to gain notoriety when it was learned that Kuroda was arrested and that many of his supporters of Twitter confirmed his identity, through his address and obviously by the images and data disseminated to the television. [19659007][1945田っまかかののロロロダダダダダダダダダダダダダダ

– Last Ranker通報 で い っ て 触 ら ら た た た た た ら ら ら ら 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 通報 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[picpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpic194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945] In addition to being known for to be the best players of Street Fighter III: Third Strike Kenji was also engaged in collaboration Weekly Playboy an entertainment magazine for adults in Japan. This means after the charges have decided to erase all the collaborations that had done so far.

Kudora planned to be the protagonist of the 9road independent film. People in this movie apologized for the news via Twitter.

We still do not know more about this case and the sentence towards the player.

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