Strengthen the fight against the mosquito of dengue, zika and chikungunya in Campeche


During the current rainy season, the health sector of the State of Campeche has strengthened the fight against the mosquito emitting dengue, zika and chikungunya

With vehicles, health personnel travel in the streets of 11 municipalities.

"We have fogging and spraying programs of homes and public spaces that intensify when the rains begin." There is virtually fog throughout the state, highlighting always that there is more water in the southern zone, there are more water plans, "says Rafael Rodríguez Cabrera, secretary of health in Campeche. what it does is spread the fog with an insecticide, it is totally harmless to people, however, it is recommended that they leave their homes for a moment as the fog spreads, "said Roberto Chi, fumigator.

In addition, campaigns are conducted to decontaminate and avoid water deposits where it could proliferate the mosquito Aedes aegypti.

"Sweep what is my garden to prevent the growth or multiplication of mosquitoes and then I prevent it so that it is not infestar", Jaqueline Cárdenas said

"We speak more with the population especially where there are endemic zones like the southern zone of Campeche, in the schools, use repellent, be very careful Rafael Rodríguez Cabrera

According to the sector of the health, the dengue, the chikungunya and the zika Most of them are preventable diseases and the factors that facilitate its spread can be controlled by individual and community prevention practices.

It is recommended that the population, in case of symptoms such as fever, headaches, muscles and eruptions, goes to their clinic and avoids treatment.

You may be interested in: Fumigation campaign against dengue, zika and chikungunya begin in Coahuila

With the information of Gerardo Sánchez


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