Strengthen the prevention of dengue fever in Oaxaca de Juárez


OAXACA, Oax., 18 October 2018.- With the aim of strengthening actions to prevent and eliminate the proliferation of Dengue and Chikunguya mosquito transmitters, the various sectors of government and municipal officials have been informed of the measures taken to prevent the proliferation of larvae of this mosquito that breeds mainly in the rainy season.

In a statement, it was reported that during this meeting, the epidemiologists had informed the auxiliary authorities and the staff of the municipal services, the protection of the population and the directors of the capital markets of prevention and control to prevent the proliferation of offenses. aedes aegypti and anopheles mosquitoes, vectors of dengue fever and vectors of malaria.

Inform them at the same time that this virus is transmitted only through the bite of the female mosquito Aedes aegypti and that it is not spread from one person to the other. There is no disease without mosquitoes.

In this sense, the director of municipal public health, Elsa de la Soledad Martinez Iturribarria, invited the participants to reproduce the population on the measures to prevent the spread of this vector, preserving the clean orchards of invaded weeds instead from this, separate and recycle, as well as return objects that can store water.

In addition to reporting that this mosquito lives in homes, schools and all shady, cool and quiet places, which usually accumulate in clean water.

Martínez Iturribarría summoned the doctor to avoid the first symptoms such as headache, abdomen, joints, chills, fever or loss of appetite.

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