Strong deployment of the police in some cemeteries • El Nuevo Diario


Thousands of Nicaraguans rose early to visit the cemeteries on the day of the dead, but some of them defeated some discomfort because the police had conducted operations in the cemeteries.

It has been reported that relatives of citizens who died in anti-government demonstrations, buried in the Miracle of God cemetery, preferred not to visit the cemetery on Friday; others were paying for sellers to place floral offerings next to the blue and white flag, and the bravest ones would clean up and stay with their deceased for some time.

Photos: Nicaragua commemorates the day of the deceased

In this same cemetery, a young man who asked to omit his name was repairing the grave of Orlando Córdoba, 15, who was shot in the chest while he was participating in the march Mother's Day May 30th.

The young man said that he was a friend of Orlando and that he had accompanied him in his last minutes of life. There were also the Orlando brothers, but they refused to speak. They just said that they are waiting for justice.

Grandma arrives with difficulty

Dolores López arrived early to visit the grave of her grandson. He leaned on a life buoy and moved slowly, sometimes showing expressions of pain, until the place where Andres Pereira, who died at the time, was buried. 39, age 17, two shots, one to the chest and the other to the leg. His family says he was shot dead by people in a red car near the barricades erected by protesters in the Miracle of God neighborhood.

"In this area, there were roadblocks, and then there was my son, one more victim.The stop was by El Jobo, here in the neighborhood of Miracle of God.My son was going through this region when he was shot, "said Ángela López, the mother.

The mother and grandmother arrived at the comment without any floral offer for Andrés' grave. They said that for lack of money they could not buy any flowers, they had just cleaned it and they had given it some "snow" (poroplast).

Andrés' mother confessed that these five months "have been hard and difficult." The family's request is "that justice be done," said Angela.

Something unusual

Citizens who visited the cemetery complained about the presence of the police, indicating that it was excessive and causing them discomfort. There were at least three patrols in uniform, plus plainclothes officers.

"We came to visit our dead and we painted the graves in blue and white, but we learned the campaign to dress the cemeteries of these colors, so we are afraid.We are afraid because the police are here" , said Rosario Vivas.

"It's different from other years because there are too many police officers," said Angela Lopez.

The new newspaper found that in other cemeteries of Managua and in some cities in the interior of the country, there was also a strong presence of police officers.

Brenes asks to pray for the country and to respect the ideas

Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes presided at a Mass in the East Cemetery in honor of the deceased and urged him to remember loved ones and to pray for the situation the country is facing.

Brenes said that we should raise our prayers to "build a country where we all feel truly Nicaraguan and where we can do our part, we can respect our ideas because even the five fingers of the hand are equal; we must learn to respect ourselves, we must learn to speak and to listen. "

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