Students demand justice in March for Zendy Flores' feminicide in Puebla


PUEBLA, Pue., ( .- Students of Angelópolis nurses school paraded today to ask for clarification of the femicide of young Zendy Guadalupe Flores, who was found raped and beheaded in an area of ​​the auxiliary council of Sebastián Aparicio

Zendy Guadalupe studied nursing at this university and, in fact, when she was found dead, she wore the baby. nurse uniform. The girl disappeared from the morning of Wednesday when she left home to go to school.

The march left Paseo Bravo Street and went to the prosecutor's office, where they asked the authorities to clarify the feminicide of Cendy Guadalupe Flores, as well as stopping the increasing number of femicides registered in Puebla

"We save lives and somebody else takes them in. We do not want a dead nurse or a missing woman. We all want and deserve to make us alive in our homes, "said one of the participants

last week, five other women were killed in different circumstances.The number of femicides committed in Puebla in 2018 now exceeds 60 , according to local media figures.

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