Studies reveal that eating pistachios reduces stress in humans


Pennsilvanie, EU.- AT to study conducted by researchers at Penn State University, revealed that the Pistachio consumption helps reduce stress.

A teacher in nutrition sciences, analyzed the effects of pistachio on people with Type 2 diabetes, the patients were divided into two groups and given a diet also healthy, although one of them was included a daily portion of pistachios.

After four weeks of following this nutritional planThey were subjected to two standardized stress tests: an arithmetic problem they had to solve and a challenge of plunging their hand into cold water for two minutes.

In doing these exercises, the participants were invited blood tests to measure your peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure.

After investigation, it was found that those who had consumed pistachios had vessels more dilated and relaxed, better control of the nerves of the heart and less vascular constriction.

The Jjournal from the American Heart Association, also indicated that daily consumption of pistachios reduce the risk of suffering diseases of the heart in diabetics.


  • The health
  • The stress
  • pistachios
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
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