Successful opening of the Fenadu 2018


Great emotions and events of the first level will be experienced in the largest party of the State

Corona Governor of Erika Fernanda García Tebar as the Queen of State of the National Fair of Durango 2018

The biggest party started after Governor José Rosas Aispuro Torres and his wife Elvira Barrantes pressed the button that triggered the fun, a crowd of emotions and first-class events such as the spectacular concert of Emmanuel and Mijares, thousands of people have enjoyed the inauguration of the national fair Durango 2018.

Before hundreds of Durango, Aispuro Torres crowned the Queen of Fenadu State , Erika Fernanda García Tebar and his wife, Mrs. Elvira Barrantes, the director of the fairs, Julio Muciño Pereda and the mayor of the capital Alfredo Herrera Duenweg to Princess Real Maria del Socorro Quiñones and Princess Ana Paula Muguiro [1 9659004] After the concert, the governor took the ticket with the number 0048371 of the raffle as the winner of the first car, one of the 24 that will be drawn as part of the surprises of Fenadu, which will have 20 working days to claim their price.

As in 2017, this year A car model will also be raffled every day for all Durangoans and our visitors, he said at the inauguration of the Fair in its 2018 edition, which is part of the 455th anniversary celebrations of the Durango Foundation

. Fenadu's facilities and bought his ticket to enter the enclosure, to later inaugurate the Beefmaster National Cattle Show 2018.

Aispuro Torres visited the cattle sector, the restaurant area, the mezcal square and lavelaría, where he greeted he took the classic selfie with the people of Durango who met on the first day of the holiday.

Songs like "bella señora", "chica humo", "bella", "love is not dead", "love soldier" ", among others, filled with emotion the thousands of participants at the first concert of the Velaria, which accompanied by their voice in every melody to Emmanuel and Mijares who gave the Durango in every song osis of romance and rhythm.

From July 13 to August 5, the 2018 Fenadu will set the available to all, endless options for maximum enjoyment in the field of games, food, as well as different shows, as well as participate in the raffle of the car every day with the ticket of entry. 19659004]

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