Sugar drinks detonate the metabolic syndrome: UNAM


  Sugary sweet drinks detonate the metabolic syndrome: UNAM | Crónica de Hoy

Taking regular sugary drinks generates abdominal fat and promotes the development of metabolic syndrome, defined as a series of signs that increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of diabetes. of cancer, Marcia Hiriart Urdanivia, researcher at the Institute of Cellular Physiology (IFC) of UNAM.

Among these signs include central obesity, high blood pressure, increased triglycerides in the blood, increased cholesterol, excessive secretion of insulin and the resistance to this hormone, as well as glucose intolerance. With the presence of three of them is considered a metabolic syndrome, says a statement from UNAM.

After years of research at the Cognitive Neuroscience Department of the Division of Neuroscience, IFC, the university has determined that sugary drinks explode the metabolic syndrome.

To learn about its effects and its aftermath, scientists developed a model with rats. "We gave them a drink similar to juice or soda, with 20% sucrose; Sucrose, which is a white table sugar, is composed of glucose and fructose.The results: after two months of ingestion this drink increases abdominal fat, triglycerides, insulin, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, "he said.


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