Suicide attack in Afghanistan leaves 19 dead


Kabul .- A suicide bomber blew up his explosive charge Sunday against a convoy of Sikhs and Hindus who were going to a meeting with the President of Afghanistan in the city of Jalalabad, killing at least 19 people

Seventeen of the 19 people killed in the attack belong to the Sikh and Hindu community, which is a minority in the country, said the hospital spokesman Nangarhar Province, Inamullah Miakhail

. Injured people also belonged to the same community and were treated in a hospital in Jalalabad, the spokesman added.

Narendr Singh, one of the wounded in the attack, told the Associated Press by telephone hospital bed in Jalalabad that the attack was directed against his convoy . She started crying and said that she was worried about what happened to her father, Avtar Singh Khalsa, who was also in the group.

Miakhail confirmed that Khalsa, head of the Sikh community and who had planned to run for parliamentary elections In 1965, several companies and vehicles were burned as a result of the attack, said spokesman from the governor of the province, Attahullah Khogyani

General Ghulam Sanayee Stanekzai, chief of police of Nangarhar. He said that the man had attacked the group while he was heading to the governor's compound. He planned to meet President Ashraf Ghani, who was visiting the region on Sunday.

No group immediately attributed the attack, but the Taliban and affiliates of the Islamic State group have an active presence in the province. 19659002] Sikhs and Hindus have long suffered widespread discrimination in the conservative Muslim country and have been attacked by extremists of the Islamic State. The community had more than 80,000 people in the 1970s, but today there are only 1,000 left in Afghanistan.

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