Summary of Luis Miguel's chapter, the series


MEXICO.- Chapter 11 of the series Luis Miguel played the most sensitive fibers of the public by revealing little known moments in the life of the singer.

This is how was the last time that he saw his mother alive, how he lived the separation of his parents or the gradual physical deterioration of Luis Rey.

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According to the series, it was Erika Camil who, unintentionally, gave the idea to Luis Miguel. The singer had little time to produce a new album and the material that he had not been very good, in addition to the composer Juan Carlos Calderón was very late with the delivery of the new songs.

The series announces that At a meeting between Erika and Luis Miguel in Acapulco, they went to see together a black and white movie that both like and she says: "The classic never goes out of style. "

The singer had a meeting with an agent of the Israeli secret police …

This is how Luis Miguel idea made the album Romance published in 1991 and produced by maestro Armando Manzanero. Singles like "Unforgettable", "I do not know you" and "With you in the distance" managed to make the album receive eight platinum albums and sell more than 7 million copies of nothing. In Mexico. Over time, he became the best-selling album in the career of Luis Miguel

Armando Manzanero was involved in several of his later productions, such as Second Romance, Romances, Amarte is a pleasure and Mis romances. Although they did not return to work together and Manzanero said some time ago that Luis Miguel "is ungrateful", he also recently stated that there was no better artist than Micky and that he was interested in working with him again. In episode 11, it was discovered that it was the son of the former president Miguel de la Madrid who had put Luis Miguel in touch with the Mossad (although in real life there was said that it was Interpol).

You see, the singer had a meeting with an agent of the Israeli secret police, who investigated the whereabouts of Marcela Basteri

Luis Miguel and Erika Camil

Fede had this gesture with Luis Miguel but in favor of Erika, because in reality they hated each other; One, to be Erika 's official boyfriend and the other, because basically he knew what he felt for her was more than a brothers' love.

Since 1990, the health of Luis's father Miguel began to decline because of his excesses in alcohol and drugs. Even in episode 9, we saw him about to suffer from alcoholic congestion.

Luis Miguel learned from Fede de la Madrid that his relationship with Erika Camil was over …

But in a way, he was also affected by the fact that his record company went bankrupt and that although he recorded a new album, Luis Rey, Canta mi guitarra, nobody in Spain would have liked to distribute it; According to the series, Luis Rey turned to an old friend Andrés García who did not help him either to resume his singing career. When everyone was diverted from him, Luis Rey had no choice but to sell his properties, including the penthouse he had in Mexico City. At that time I had lost a lot of weight, I was haggard, emaciated. And added to that was the rejection of his eldest son.

The chronicler Javier Leon Herrera tells in his book Luis Miguel: the story, the attempts of Luis Rey to approach his son: "… Luisito … made up excuses for reconnect with his son he became desperately heavy, invented the invention as he said, but received a rude after the other, giving rise to very embarrassing scenes and situations where the guaruras prevented access, which took advantage of by his uncles to say it in an unbiased manner, saying that the father went to a private party in which he had been his own apartment in Mexico with a ham as a gift to try to see it.They did not let it pass, they gave him back the gift saying that they could go with the gift and the sender. "

En 1991, Luis Miguel learned from Fede de la Madrid that his relationship with Erika Camil was over. In Acapulco, after being excused for shouting after her, he kisses her and thus begins a relationship that, according to several witnesses, will last between seven and eight years.

Toy Starr, mother of Erika, tells that the Camil family has always wanted Luis Miguel.

With information from the Who portal.

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