Sunscreens are effective five minutes after application


A group of researchers from the University of Malaga (UMA) in Spain, claimed that sunscreens are effective five minutes after their application on the skin [19659003] With these results of this research, the theory is denied on the need to apply the cream half an hour before sunbathing, stated in a statement from the institution.

UMA photoprotection specialists, led by Enrique Herrera, used in vitro techniques in the laboratory, from where they followed the evolution of the cream by solar simulation, through spectral transmission measurements at different times : at the first minute, at five o'clock, after ten minutes and after half an hour

In this first phase, the experts pointed out that the protectors' formula is stabilized and that the photoprotection is homogeneous and stable after five minutes. # 39; s application.

In addition, they transferred these initial findings to a study with volunteers, using ultraviolet flash photography techniques in specific areas of the back.

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The conclusions were the same, and the absorption potential of the cream was stable from the same time, "they said

. application of a high-protection sunscreen every two hours because normally the amount normally used is not adequate (two milligrams per square centimeter of skin) and its distribution is not usually the right one

Last summer, researchers from the UMA, María Victoria de Gálvez and José Aguilera, in collaboration with the Piel Sana Foundation of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology, developed the. UV-DERMA mobile application, which calculates the time it takes to burn the skin during a sunbath.

After its success, with nearly 45,000 downloads, to fi In July they go publish a new version translated into all languages ​​for a u use anywhere in the world.


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