Super Bomberman R – PS4 – Review


The robot finally launches bombs on the PlayStation 4! And that should make you very happy.

Once again we verify that the exclusivities are ephemeral and last only about a year. It's happened recently with NieR: Automata and now with Super Bomberman R which is available on PlayStation 4. Although it's a game released 15 months ago and it's who does not know the same thing, it is worth giving a chance to this title. Konami inherited from Hudson Soft.

Super Bomberman R is more than a mere launch title of the Nintendo Switch, it's the return of a high-value multiplayer entertainment franchise that can break the strongest friendships . You do not need to have a lot of radical changes in your game mechanics, just a few tweaks here and there, updated graphics and lots of people to play and enjoy the challenges that always end up by someone very hot

A title with strong roots

Super Bomberman R has a game system that goes from the basics to the complex. At first, you have to place bombs to destroy blocks, then you get bonuses that add and improve the skills you have and, in the end, everything becomes a part of destruction where you have to have extreme accuracy to escape a explosion the life of your character. All of this, of course, is developed in very basic labyrinths through which you have to break through. Unlike other deliveries, here are the levels (or floors) you need to move. Although this is a novelty appearance addition, the reality is that it does not contribute much to the game because the isometric view makes you lose on the map.

As you already know, the main rule and any other Bomberman, is no blast or enemy touching you. Where is the pleasure of this proposal? Nothing more and nothing less than in his multiplayer. You will see, as in a good holiday, the most, the better. Because? Putting yourself on a huge map, with traps everywhere, looking to blow up your rivals is one of the most fun exercises in the history of the video game and Bomberman makes the most of it. This experience in delivery for PlayStation 4 works properly because the title is optimized for the Sony console in a very dignified manner. Although you can not bring it anywhere with the Nintendo Switch, a homemade game will bring very good results.

Yes, it has history, but it's worth it?

Super Bomberman R recounts with a campaign that can be played with one more person. If another player entered, it would be a real pandemonium of explosions that would not end the lives of all participants on the screen. Now this title has 50 levels of humor fun and cheap assured. The protagonists of this story are the Bomberman Bros who must stop the evil plan of the sinister Emperor Buggler and his black bombers. The interesting thing about this section is not the terrible and stupid tale that makes you think about who's writing the scripts of this game, but rather the brilliant design of the levels that the game has, you can there, good reader of TIerraGamer, there is grace.

Now, most of the tasks to be done are summed up to finish the enemies on the screen, however, the missions have some variants such as squeezing switches or saving citizens. As we have mentioned, the cards have floors, so it is important to pay close attention to where you leave the bombs. The problem with this ingenious design is that the camera is not positioned correctly, so it is very easy to get lost. You must pay close attention and know where you are going to lay the bombs.

And the battles with the bosses? These are presented in the last two levels of each planet. These fearsome enemies have their joke, so you have to be very careful about where and when to attack. It is nice to see how the character design team behind this proposal has put so much effort for the bosses because they are all very colorful and very original. Now, the advantage of the PS4 version is that all elements of the screen make the experience much more attractive. This is not to demerit the Nintendo Switch edition, however, there is a remarkable visual and performance improvement in the Sony console.

This online game piggy and isometric view

The online game in the edition on the Nintendo Switch, it worked fine, however, it had some problems when the action was intense. The same thing happens with the PS4 edition. In general, online game performance is optimal and does not encounter major problems, however, it is common that during a game with several friends with very varied connections, there are obstacles to the game. ;experience.

It is certainly embarrassing is related to the isometric view. The camera does not help much to make the gaming experience much more appropriate. The problem in this section is complicated to see the depth and placement of each item on the screen. It's not that you're bad at playing, it's normal for you to fight an enemy or a boss because it's easy to hit them unintentionally, all because of the placement of the camera watching the game.

end of an article

Super Bomberman R costs $ 39.99 on the PlayStation Store. You have to be a real fan of the franchise to pay for the game. This is for a simple reason, the title sometimes feels like a very cheap item. It's not that the production and design values ​​are of mediocre quality, on the contrary, it's a title that looks and behaves very well on the PS4, but maybe it should not be to have this price there. Now, all of this is very subjective. The value is set by the company according to the effort provided and according to its appreciation.

The title is well worth it if you like Bomberman a lot and miss him a lot. If that is not the case, you can wait for it to be in one of the many cheap weeklies available on the PlayStation Store.

Ranking: 7

  • An entertaining multiplayer
  • A lot of options and customization
  • Very good level of design
  • The campaign helps you better understand the game

  Minus Earth Gamer

  • The Isometric Perspective is not suitable for a game of this class
  • The movements of the camera are annoying
  • The history of the campaign is very stupid

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