Super Junior wants to sing with "Luismi"


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It is considered the most famous Korean group in the world and now, Super Junior would like to work with artists such as Luis Miguel or Shakira. In an interview, its members claimed that after singing their version of the song "Ahora walked you," they would like to collaborate with more Latin American artists.

"We realized that we would like to collaborate with a lot of artists, be it Shakira or Ricky Martin, we used to know about their music, and we did a lot of Latin music studying and we realized that in Mexico there are also a lot of young artists who excel in music and, if there is an opportunity, we would like to work with them, "said Yesung.

When asked if they plan to sing alongside El Sol, everyone's faces change and they smile with emotion: "Of course, we have this idea and we will not hesitate to do it! S & # 39; there is an opportunity to do it, at least it's something Christmas or anything, we want to do it.We do not just love Luis Miguel's fast songs, we've seen that He had that deep feeling in his songs and that he was trying out many different genres.We would like to work with him, "said Choi Si-Won.

The South Korean group, which has been traveling to the capital to attend Telehit's 25-year concert, has also returned to the capital to celebrate its 13-year career. Its members appreciate the affection and hospitality of the Mexican public. since, they said, he is warm and expressive.

At the same time, they feel that they have acquired the responsibility not to disappoint them.

Leeteuk explained that one of the most difficult things that they have experienced during their 13 year career is to be momentarily separated from their peers when they have to go to school. discharge a duty to their country.

"In Korea, every man has to do a military service and that's the hardest thing to overcome, all the Super Junior members are gone one by one, next year the last one comes back and we'll all be full" .

It is this way of thinking that allowed Leeteuk, a few days ago, to receive an invitation from Stanford University. It was the first time that a Kpop singer participated in an event at this school, which filled him with pride.

"I was very grateful to have had the opportunity to deliver this speech at the university.This was a very great opportunity.I wanted to point out many things that you can to share with young people of the next generation and to accompany them is the message that we want to convey to young people.For me, it was very important to share such a message, "he said.

Siwon pointed out that, more than a pressure to please the Latin American market, they have the feeling of acquiring a great responsibility, their music and their actions being considered as a letter of introduction of their countries in other parts of the world.

"More than the pressure, we feel the responsibility of this market and a lot of emotion.Every gesture and every gesture we make represents the artists of a company and also the Korean people," Siwon said.

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