Supervising Tita Flores the program Maquila en Casa [Ramos Arizpe] – 07/03/2018


Ramos Arizpe .- Mayor Lilia Maria Flores Boardman attended the municipal DIF and visited the area that houses the Maquila program in Casa where she saw how 16 people receive sewing classes

"These trainings are for the vulnerable people groups of the city and the main goal is to earn income by selling different items manufactured by themselves, "said the mayor.

The program works through a grant, which consists of 33% support for one part of the municipality, another 33% is granted by Icatec with which there is an agreement, and the remaining 33% to a beneficiary payment equivalent to 163 pesos, which is considered a return investment as it is returned once the products begin to be marketed.

Flores Boardman says that items to be made include dresses, school uniforms, handbags for industrial workers, aesthetic and oncological wigs, bracelets and handbags

"In this first phase, a total of 100 people benefit, including elderly people, people with disabilities, single mothers under 18 and women from the Guerreras por la Vida group," he said. declared.

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