Supreme Court vacancy means pressure for Democrats


WASHINGTON (AP) – Vacancy Opened to the Supreme Court created a dilemma for Senate Democrats running for re-election in states where Donald Trump prevailed in 2016.

The decision to vote to confirm the successor of judge A nthony Kennedy will test several Democrats in difficult races. And the test could be particularly difficult for Senators Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

All tried to prove their independence from Democratic Party and their ability to collaborate with the president, for example in its attempt to repeal the rules for small and medium banks in the law financial reform and consumer protection promulgated in 2010.

They were the only Democrats who voted in favor of the first Trump elected to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. They were the first three Democrats to announce their support for Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State.

If they oppose the person who names Trump in the Supreme Court, they could lose the goodwill that was won among the supporters of the president, who are just a majority in their states. In the 2016 elections, Trump won in West Virginia by 42 percentage points, in North Dakota by 36 and in Indiana by 19.

"For voters in states firmly Republicans who support Trump, this will be the litmus test for whether or not we support President Trump or not, "said Steven Law, chairman of the Senate Leadership Fund, a group aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. began advertising Thursday in 10 states where Trump won and Democrats in the Senate face re-election.

On the other hand, support for the postulate by Trump [19659010] the court has its dangers for the Democrats It could displease the backers and the party base, which would reduce the flow to the polling stations

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  • United States
  • Court supreme
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