Surprise for an error in Samsung phones that sends photos without permission – 07/03/2018


A reddit social network user has triggered the alerts in the South Korean tech giant and in his line of mobile phone emblem. In the early morning, a Samsung Galaxy S9 unintentionally sent all the images saved in the gallery through the application of messages (SMS) from the device.

The problem was detected mainly in Galaxy S9 and Samsung Galaxy S9 + models although it also appears in other mid-range phones, as the site highlights The Verge.

  The fall of the cell phone brand that 8 years ago was sold more than the iPhone

Samsung says that is not a disadvantage of the "I". team itself, but Application Samsung Messages . As photos are sent without a trace, it is difficult to isolate the problem.

  (Photo: Joan Cros / Zuma Press / dpa)

(Photo: Joan Cros / Zuma Press / dpa)

While the cause is still unknown, this error would be linked to a recent update of the messenger to adapt to the new RCS protocol that several telecommunications companies have launched in the United States, as the cases of T-Mobile or Verizon operators.

"We know the reports that have been made on this subject." assured Clarin a spokesman for the South Korean firm.

Disable storage permissions in the Messaging application to restrict access to the gallery of images. To do this, you must enter Settings> Applications> Samsung Messages> Permissions> Storage .

Up to now, the Argentinean users have not notified that their computers have sent images via SMS or via multimedia messages (MMS).