Surprise writer total success of "Luis Miguel, the series"


One of the five authors of Luis Miguel, the series Daniel Krauze, states that he continues to be surprised by the excessive curiosity shown by people to know the reality in the life of the performer, and confirms that Netflix's production will have a second season.

In an interview with the conductor of MILENIO Television Carlos Puig, the writer said that they never expected the total success that had the series .

"I think there are a lot of things that surprised me in the series.We knew it would be a success, but we never imagined the impact that that would have been, that is, we have become a story that was a fashionable subject from Patagonia to California, "he said.

However, Krauze mentioned that the most impressive thing was this obsession of the people to know certain things and those who were not so much of the singer.

"Part of what continues to impress me is this obsession of the public for the truth and what was not so much in the story, it is something inexplicable, I do not know where it comes from. But it is something that does not exist in other series of this type, "he said.

On the content and transformation undergone by the main character between the chapters four, five and six, Krauze says that he had to change the role of Diego Boneta, who was not so well seen by the fans.

"Starting from chapter five, we had to to change Luis Miguel's character, we took him on a darker path, "he said, although the journalist said it was not to the public's liking.

"We tell the story of a character too decent. At that time, Luis Miguel was like Diego, a good guy, a good mood, a guy, and then we described it like that, because that was the information we had, "he said. he said.

On the criticism received by the last chapter, which aired last Sunday, the writer confirmed that there will be a new season.

"Yes, of course, a second season comes in, I wrote chapter 13, but it had a round and pink finish, that's where it ended where the story began. Is the scenario that bounced the most with the producers, because we wanted to put more things on the air, "he explains

The first season of Luis Miguel ends, they reacted with the last chapter "You can not leave me like this", was the hashtag that was used in social networks, in this situation.

Danna Paola was there. one of those who put more comments, while Pedro Sola posted two videos on Twitter where he reacted against Oscar Jaenada, although he recognized his great work as an actor.

In addition, Juan Zurita, who personifies Alex, brother of LuisMi asked on Twitter "What did you think of the last chapter" and the reactions came by emojis of sad faces and frustration.

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