Survey reveals that young people prefer to buy on the Internet to have sex


Mexico.- After interviewing over a thousand people aged 18 to 34, the Max Borges Agency concluded that 44% of Millennials prefer to give up sex instead of leaving Amazon for one year.

In the survey carried out United StatesConsumers were also asked about alcohol consumption. In this case, almost eight in ten (77%) said they would choose Amazon instead of alcohol for one year.

The agency presented the questionnaire to people who had bought mainstream products on Amazon over the last year.

Amazon was named the most beloved brand in the United States for the second consecutive year in the annual report of Morning Consult, which explains the preference for the platform. In fact, less than a millennium out of four would buy a consumer technology product if the article was not available in its original version. Amazon.

The report also talks about the strangest places where millennia have made an online purchase. 47% bought using the toilet, 24% buying food, 23% in traffic and 19% drunk. In addition, 61% of those surveyed said they made their purchases in the middle of the night.

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  • Investigation
  • USA
  • Millennials
  • Youth
  • Sex
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