Surviving journalist tells Maryland newspaper shootings


"There is nothing more terrifying than hearing several people being shot at while you are under your desk and hearing how the shooter refuses" his rifle, writes. He in Daves Police reporter for "Capital Gazette", a newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, where a shootout was recorded this Thursday.

According to Daves, the shooter "fired several people in my office, some of whom are" I can not say a lot more and I do not want to declare the death of someone, but it's bad, "he published the reporter via his Twitter account

Moments later, he points out that he did not tweet in the journal's writing just during the shooting, but he waited until he heard it. he was evacuated by the police to make his publications

Many users have said that they have no reason to apologize because it was understandable that during the attack they could not publish in the social network. Later, in an interview, Davis said that during filming, the newspaper's writing "was like a war zone."

"I am a police reporter, I write about this stuff, not necessarily in that sense, and the dead, all the time, but no matter how you try to articulate how traumatic it is. to hide under your desk, you will not know until you're there and feel helpless, "Daves said on The Capital Gazette's online site.

Davis told the media that he and others were still under their desks when the attacker stopped firing. "I do not know why it stopped," he said.

Carlos Wallace, who works in the same street as the press offices, told local media that official vehicles and ambulances were arriving at the scene, at least five people were killed and several others were seriously injured during the shooting in Annapolis, according to the authorities. , confirming that the only suspect is in detention

[1 9459022] "There are five dead and we know that there are several people injuries," said the authorities at a brief press conference.

Constable Ryan Frashure, spokesperson for Anne Arundel County Police, explained that, thanks to the quick reaction of the emergency teams, the suspect is already in detention "the police are waiting to be questioned by the authorities." There is only one suspect, he is our only suspect, "said county government spokesman D & P Anne Arundel, Steven Schuh, who also wished to praise the emergency services because "they had not"

The authorities did not want not go into details about the type of weapon used by the shooter, but indicated that the shooting had focused on the journal's writing. "Capital Gazette ".

For his part, US President Donald Trump used social networks to convey his condolences to the families of the victims and his gratitude for the services

"Before leaving for Wisconsin, I have been informed of the shooting at the "Capital Gazette" in Annapolis, Maryland.My thoughts and prayers are for the victims and their families, the emergency services found on the places, "writes the president.


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