Susan Sarandon Arrested for Protesting Trump


June 29, 2018

The winning scarring actress was arrested along with other protesters, who protested in front of the US Senate.

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Susan Sarandon was arrested, along with 574 other women, on Thursday after a protest against Donald Trump.

The events took place on Capitol Hill, outside the US Senate seat, where people come together to protest against the zero tolerance policy toward immigrants.

71, has always declared his political preferences, and in the last election said that he wanted the "good woman" to reach the presidency, so that he does not vote for Trump or for Hilary Clinton.

At the demonstration, Sarandon tito "We demand the closure of all detention camps". Also, after his arrest, shared in the social network: "Arrested, stay strong, continue to fight."

The protagonist of "Thelma and Louise" was released after a few hours.

With information from CBS and The Guardian.

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