Suspicious packages for Obama and Clinton, detained


(CNN) – US intelligence has intercepted two "suspect packets" directed against former President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton earlier this week, the agency said Wednesday.

Neither Obama nor Clinton received the parcels nor ran the risk of receiving them, said the secret services. They were discovered during "routine mail detection procedures as possible explosive devices and were treated as such," the agency said in a statement.

The package for Obama was intercepted in Washington on Wednesday morning and the package for Clinton was sent to him Tuesday in Westchester County, New York.

The FBI said the package intended for Clinton had been found near his home in Chappaqua, New York State, without making any further comment, citing the fact that the investigation was ongoing.

According to CNN, a suspicious package was also sent to the White House. The US government has condemned the "vile" acts against Obama and Clinton.

"We condemn the recent attempts at violent attacks against President Obama, President Clinton, Secretary Clinton and other public figures.These terrorist acts are despicable and all officials will bear the consequences as much as possible of the The US Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies are investigating and taking all appropriate measures to protect those threatened by these cowards, "said Sarah Sanders, Press Secretary for the United States. White House.

US Vice President Mike Pence condemned attempts to attack the Clinton and Obama, and against CNN.

"These cowardly actions are despicable and do not happen in this country.We are grateful for the secret services, the FBI and the forces of order, and those responsible must be brought to justice," he said. .

The EU is living a period of deep divisions: Clinton

Hillary Clinton said for the first time, commenting on parcels sent to her residence, that the country was going through a "troubling" period of "deep divisions".

We are living "a time of deep divisions and we must do everything in our power to unite our country," said Clinton at an election in Miami to support Democratic House candidate Donna Shalala.

Clinton, a presidential candidate in the November 2016 elections, also thanked the secret services for intercepting the suspicious packages. "Every day, we are grateful for our secret services, we are very grateful to him," he said.

CNN Newsroom evacuated

The authorities evacuated the Time Warner building in New York, where CNN is located.

The Time Warner center, including the CNN office, was evacuated following the announcement of another suspicious package.

The device sent to the Time Warner Center was built with pipe and cables, according to a New York police source. Police authorities have treated the device as a real explosive.

The device was discovered in the mail room of the Time Warner Center.

Other CNN newsrooms around the world have been inspected and no suspicious packages have been found, said Jefff Zucker, president of the chain, in a statement, in which he told employees that They could leave the area.

Earlier this week, a suspicious package aimed at a multi-million dollar investor and to the main Democratic donor, George Soros , has been discovered and declared safe. The authorities are studying whether there is any link between the three packages.

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