Suspicious packages from Trump's critics generate fear


Police intercepted suspected explosive devices sent to the former President of the United States Barack Obama, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and at the CNN office in New York, apparently directed against critics from the right two weeks before the parliamentary elections.

In the middle of the deep polarization installed in the country under the presidency of Donald Trump, the packets generated a new level of tension before the elections, which will determine if Democrats can challenge the majorities that benefit Republicans in Congress.

The package for Clinton was found Tuesday night, while that attributed to Obama was found early Wednesday, during routine mailings, announced the secret service. Neither Obama nor Clinton they ran risks, according to what he said.

At the beginning of the week, a bomb was sent to the house of George Soros, a prominent donor of the Democratic Party, in a residential area of ​​New York.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Barack Obama (Reuters)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Barack Obama (Reuters)

The Time Warner Center, home to CNN's New York office, was evacuated in a cautious effort after receiving a suspicious package in the mailroom, the CNN president reported. Jeff Zucker, in a note to your employees. He also assured that the newsrooms of the channel were being revised around the world.

Photo of homemade explosive sent to CNN (Twitter: @CNN)

Photo of homemade explosive sent to CNN (Twitter: @CNN)

New York police issued an emergency alert urging people around the building, which is located at the southern end of Central Park, to "seek shelter". He later warned that the suspect artifact of Time Warner Center It has been safely removed.

CNN is a frequent target of Trump, who regularly calls the media "enemies of the people" and critical coverage as "false news".

The suspect package sent today to the offices of the building Time Warner in New York he was addressed to the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) John Brennan, pointed out several American media today.

The White House has condemned in a statement the frustrated attacks on Obama and Clinton.

"These acts of terror are despicable and those responsible will be held accountable by the law," said the White House spokeswoman. Sarah Sanders. "The secret services of the United States and other security agencies are investigating and taking all appropriate measures to protect anyone threatened by these cowards."

Trump was briefed on the situation and a senior White House official said "we take it very seriously".

In Florida, the building housing the office of parliamentarian Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former Democratic Party national president, was evacuated after sending a suspicious package through the post, reported the WFOR police station. TV in Miami.


Republican and Democrat lawmakers have condemned the frustrated attacks, saying that political violence had no place in the United States, although some Democrats said Trump's rhetoric exacerbated tensions.

Words count. Leadership Counts C is the country that @realDonaldTrump has created and must condemn these acts of terrorism with the utmost rigor, "said Democratic Congressman David Price.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, the Republic's highest congressional representative, described the actions as "reprehensible", adding that "we can not tolerate any attempt to terrorize public figures".

According to the New York Times, the package sent to Clinton, in the suburbs of New York, in Chappaqua, was an explosive device.

Former President Bill Clinton was at home when the device was intercepted at a nearby secret service center, according to MSNBC, adding that his wife was in Florida to attend a fundraiser.

A federal security official told Reuters that many of the packages appeared to have the same construction or design. Another source told Reuters that the FBI is still analyzing whether the packages contain hazardous materials or explosives.

The Chappaqua Patch news website, quoted by a security official, said the packages sent to Soros, Obama and Clinton appeared to be homemade bombs. "They are not sophisticated, but functional," he said.


New York police appear in front of the Time Warner Center in the Manhattan district (Reuters)

New York police appear in front of the Time Warner Center in the Manhattan district (Reuters)

US Capitol police today intercepted another suspicious package at a facility outside Washington where mail is being processed for members of Congress, ABC reported on Sunday. News and CNN.

The package was addressed to Democrat MP Maxine Waters, one of the most criticized opposition figures by US President Donald Trump, according to ABC News.

The Capitol Police bombing team is investigating the package detected in these facilities, located in Capitol Heights, Maryland, on the border with the District of Columbia in which the US capital is located.

Waters, which last June encouraged Trump's opponents to publicly criticize environmental officials for being found on the streets, has been the subject of much criticism from the president, who has wasted his intelligence your campaign rallies.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gives a press conference in front of Time Warner Center (Reuters)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gives a press conference in front of Time Warner Center (Reuters)

The New York authorities today described the "device of terrorism" as being sent to CNN headquarters in New York today, although they have ruled out "threats". Specific "in the city after the potentially explosive package that forced the evacuation of the building of downtown Time. Warner.

At a joint press conference of the Mayor of New York, Bill of Blasiosecurity forces and state governor Andrew Cuomo, the latter said that given the "pattern" of incidents in the past few hours, you would not be "surprised to see more devices appear" , and revealed that his office in Manhattan had also identified and managed another suspicious package.

What we have seen is an effort of terror, an act of terror that aims to undermine the free press and the country's leaders with acts of violence, but the city of New York will not feel intimidated. said Blasio.

The mayor and the governor asserted that there was no credible or specific threat against this big city, but stressed that security would be strengthened in "essential for the media" and in other places. other "important places".

New York Police Chief James O'Neill explained that the package discovered in the Time Warner building, where CNN is located, contained a "live explosive device" and an envelope with a "white powder". things are being investigated.

The authorities said that this device, along with others, had been sent to Hillary Clinton, former presidential candidate, former President Barack Obama and Democratic parliamentarian Debbie Wasserman Schultz, were homemade bombs ".

John Miller, the counterterrorism officer of the local police, said the boss "began Monday night with the dispatch of a parcel to Westchester County", in reference to whoever was receiving the residence according to which Bedford would have the magnate George Soros, and who was "disabled and taken to the FBI laboratory".

Law enforcement agencies collaborate in the case "where incidents occur elsewhere" because "it appears that one or more individuals have sent several similar packages" and that they have deployed some 20,000 private security guards.

Cuomo recalled that the first terrorist attack in New York occurred in 1993 and stressed that "terrorism only works if you allow it," while De Blasio lamented the fact that they are "moments of hate and division in this country", which is why he called "Do not exacerbate" tensions or "encourage violence or attacks on the media".


Trump condemns attempts of atrocious attacks after the explosive
Donald Trump, President of the United States. (AP)

Donald Trump, President of the United States. (AP)

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that the threats of political violence had no place in the United States and promised a thorough investigation for sending suspicious packages to Democratic personalities and to d & # 39; other recipients.

Our government is making every effort to investigate and bring to justice those responsible for these despicable acts. We will not neglect the resources or the expenses incurred in this effort, "said the head of the Republic in an act against opioid abuse.

"In these difficult times, we must unite, gather and send a clear, strong and indisputable message to the United States: there is no room for acts or threats of political violence of any kind. that is, "he said.

TheSecret Service He said on Wednesday that he had intercepted suspicious packages intended for former President Barack Obama and the former secretary of state. Hillary Clinton. Reports on sending parcels to CNN, billionaire George Soros and other usual targets of Trump's criticism have also been reported.

With information from Reuters and EFE


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