Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer That You Can Detect During Sex | Action-10


The prostate is the Achilles heel of male health, cancer is one of the problems that this gland can present, especially after age 50, and even if, with age, the possibility of one of these diseases appear, young people are not immune to the most serious cancer. In fact, some tumors begin to form in the 1920s, although they will not manifest until much later.

There are many men who, out of fear, are not forced to see their doctor for prostate examinations, but it is a bit of a challenge to detect some problems. For example, it is rare to cause dysfunction in men, but if that has happened.

Normally, men after intercourse generate a mania to urinate and that is where we can think that it is not normal that they can not urinate because the inflammation of the prostate exerts a pressure on the bladder and urethra, thus preventing a normal exit. from the urine, it is alert to cancer.

Even though this condition can affect the nerves, it completely blocks the blood transport routes to the penis and this causes a lack of erection, a lot of pain or burning that may occur, as well as blood in the sperm.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, to the extent possible, can be a protective and medical control factor once a year.

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