Talina Fernndez reconciles with her granddaughter Mara Levy (VIDEO)


June 30, 2018

Ariel Lpez Padilla, father of the daughter of Mariana Levy, how was the approach between Mara and her exsuegra

Facebook Talina Fernndez

Thirteen years after the death of Mariana Levy , the father of his firstborn, Ariel Lopez Padilla, is more united than ever to Mara Levy and even to the convention that she reconciles with her grandmother, Talina Fernndez.

The actor assured that Mara, 22, who wants to be a model, is no longer there "The first thing I did was to tell her, to come to terms with her. she takes care of you, she loves you, all human beings are very complicated, but we must always be grateful, grandmother we owe a lot, the one that you are good, the one who saw you in health, the one who Is worried for you, and what happened in the end happens in all relationships, "said Lpez Padilla in an interview with Ventaneando. 19659007] Watch the full interview here:

(Public video posted on YouTube by Ventaneando on June 28, 2018).

With El Debate information.

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