Tamaulipas criminal head was captured in Reynosa


REYNOSA, Tam.- The Tamaulipas coordination group confirmed the capture at Reynosa by the military personnel of Luis Miguel "N" aka "Flaco Sierra", leader of a criminal group that operates in the northern area of State and South Texas.

El Sierra Flaco is considered one of the cross-border criminal goals by which the Attorney General of Tamaulipas offered a reward of one million 500,000 pesos.

This criminal has outstanding arrest warrants for the crimes of Homicide and Criminal Association and is responsible for the escalation of violence, mainly in the city of Reynosa where there have been confrontations with other criminal groups, attacks on the police and the civilian population.

On June 7, the government of Tamaulipas and seven US federal agencies, through Joint Task Force-West, launched the "Campaign for Security and Prosperity" program, which aims to end offenders operating between Texas and Tamaulipas, identifying nine priority objectives, including Luis Miguel "N".

Although details of his apprehension were not revealed this morning in Reynosa, at least eight blockades were recorded in different parts of the city, shooting and puncturing.

Using trucks, buses, utilities and private cars, the criminals prevented the passage in the areas of the Paseo de las Flores settlements, Las Torres, Puertas del Sol, as well as the "ponchallantas" in the streets and buildings. avenues.

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