Tamaulipas today – British scientists see a link between the body clock and breast cancer


A team of researchers has discovered a link between the female clock and breast cancer, but admits that she still does not know the reason. Further research is needed on this relationship.

Women may have a greater or lesser risk of developing breast cancer based on their biological clock

Author: Notimex

London, (Notimex) .- According to British researchers, women may be at higher or lower risk of developing breast cancer, which shows that if they are in the day, people will be less likely to suffer from this disease.

A team of researchers from the University of Bristol has discovered a link between the female clock and breast cancer, but admits that she still does not know the reason. Further research is needed on this relationship as it helps to find ways to avoid the development of this evil.

The scientists, who presented their study at the cancer conference of the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) in the Scottish city of Glasgow, explained that all people have a biological clock which regulates the functioning of the body every 24 hours. called circadian rhythm.

This clock affects everything from sleep to mood, to heart attack risks, but each person has his own pace.

There are people "in the morning" who get up early, reach their high point of the day and go to bed early at night; while for other people "in the afternoon", it is difficult to get up early, they are more productive towards the night and prefer to go to bed later.

The researchers used a form of data analysis, called Mendelian randomization, and examined 341 DNA fragments (human body instructions) to determine if a person is "a lark" (daytime) or " an owl "(nocturnal).

They conducted an experiment with more than 180,000 women as part of the Biobank project in the UK and about 230,000 others in the Breast Cancer Association study, and found that people genetically programmed to be "larks" were less likely to have breast cancer than "owls".

Since these DNA fragments are fixed at birth and are not related to other known causes of cancer, this means that researchers are reasonably certain that body clocks have a link to cancer.

The results showed that one in seven women would develop the disease, but revealed that two "owls" on sex would suffer from breast cancer, compared to a "larks out of 100," reported the chain BBC television.

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